(9) It's You Again

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"Oh, hey Y/N!" Hiro said at the end of the paints isle. "I didn't expect to see you here haha!" Hiro giggled. 

I smiled and walked over to him, leaving Akito to decide which set of paints Ena would like. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask looking for my favorite color in the acrylic paints section. 

"I'm getting paints for my little sister! She has an art project coming up and needs paint." Hiro smiled, using his free hand to scratch the back of his nape. I nodded and grinned. Hiro's little sister was like a small ray of sunshine. She was always happy and bubbly. Before me and Hiro were separated, I would go over to his house and visit his little sister. When we practiced, she would always quietly sit in the corner and listen to our music as if it were a sweet lullaby. 

"Y/N let's go, I found the set. Oh, hey Hiro! It's been a while huh." Akito says, a small smile forming at his lips. 

"Hello!" Hiro says, waving. 

Akito and I say our goodbye's and pay for the paint set. Once we left we went back on our journey home. 

As we walked through the door, we saw dad eating dinner. 

"Hello kids! I just got home... Thanks for the lumpia though!" Dad said, still chewing the food in his mouth. Akito and I nodded, slightly smiling, and dad returned the smile. He probably noticed the paints in Akito's hands and immediately understood why he had them. 

We walked upstairs and Akito knocked on Ena's door. It was silent until a faint voice could be heard. 

"Who is it?" Ena questioned. 

Akito looked at me knowing very much well that if he said it was him, she would never open her door. 

"It's me, Y/N." I plainly said. 

I heard the creak from her bed as she stood up and walked towards the door. She opened the door just to see me and Akito standing in front of her. 

Akito looked to the floor of Ena's room and held out his hand. The hand with the paints. Ena looked down at them and smiled. She gently took the paint set and placed them on her table. Akito kept his head hung down. Soon, Ena walked back to us and hugged Akito. Somewhat likea motherly embrace. 

"When you broke my paint set, I was mad but not anymore. I had a copy of the set so I wasn't mad when I remembered I had one. Thank you though.." Ena quietly said. Akito returned the hug and after a short time, they let go of each other. Then, Ena went over to me and hugged me. I of course returned the hug. When we released each other, Ena walked back into her room and closed the door. 

I sighed, and walked over to my room. 

"Hey, Y/N." Akito called out to me.

"Thanks for always helping me when me and Ena have an argument.." Akito murmured as he walked to his room. It was loud enough for me to hear it so I quietly responded with a 'You're welcome' and walked away. 

Time Skip to the next week.

It's currently been about two weeks since I've joined WxS. I was currently walking to my side-job at this fast-food restaurant until I saw two groups of people at the front doors. As I walked closer, they all started to look familiar... 

Akia and her group next to... Rui and everyone else...

Rui's POV

"Oh! You're that group, Wonderland Showtime!" A girl with brown hair and pink tips exclaimed. Emu smiled and gave a 'Wonderhoy' to her. The girl gave a weird look for some reason but I shrugged it off. Hiro happened to be there too.

In the distance, I saw Y/N standing there. She seemed to be shocked by something. She dropped some sort of apron and just stood there. 

"Ohoo, look who it is!" The girl with brown hair said. I raised my eyebrow as the girl walked over to Y/N. 

She walked around Y/N in a circle and poked at her.

"Working at a fast-food place? Didn't know you could get any lamer-" The girl scoffed. 

"What do you want, Akia..?" Y/N murmured.  I walked over to both of them and took Y/N's hand. I dragged her along to everyone else and we all walked into the front door of the restaurant. 

"Y/N! You brought your friends over? You can skip work for today if you want, you seem busy!" A person said behind the counter of what seems to be Y/N's co-worker. Y/N nodded and thanked the worker as she sat down next to me with everyone else across from us. 'Akia' and her group sat in the table next to us. Y/N's hand remained in mine and her hand felt warm, and nice. I looked to the side and noticed Hiro looking down at me and Y/N's intertwined hands. 

"So! What can I get for you guys today?" a waiter said with a small notebook in hand. "I already know what Y/N would want so what can I get for all of you?"

I pointed to an item on the menu and so did everyone else. Y/N just looked down at the table and occasionally took out her phone. 

When our food came, Y/N released her hand from mine and began eating. She took small bites. REALLY small bites. Like her appetite had disappeared. I ate my food at a quicker pace. As we ate, Emu laughed, Nene giggled from time to time, Tsukasa showed off, and Y/N? She just sat there quietly and ate. What's happening?

Emu's POV

Mann my happy day was just ruined... Our original plan was for all of us to have a nice lunch together at f/f/r (favorite fast-food restaurant) until Akia and her friends just HAD to come and ruin it. 

Since we knew where Y/N worked part-time, we decided to go visit her. We were waiting for Y/N to arrive so we could surprise her but soon in the distance, Akia and her friends could be seen. 

As we all ate our food, I joked and laughed, trying my best to ignore Akia's glare. Y/N had stopped eating her food and got up towards the restroom. I glanced over at her and then back at Nene. She nodded and we both excused ourselves, saying we need to go to the restroom too. 

We walked in, and saw Y/N staring at her own reflection in the mirror. I walked over to her and stood next to her, staring at my own reflection next to hers. Nene came along and stood on the other side of Y/N. Nene had a small smile tugging at the ends of her lips and so did I. 

Soon enough, Y/N began to smile. We stayed in the bathroom for 5 minutes until we all walked out together. Y/N sat back down next to Rui and me and Nene sat back next to Tsukasa. 

Y/N slightly opened her mouth to take a breath before speaking. Rui looked at Y/N with worry. She looked up at Akia with furrowed eyebrows and said:

"It's you again huh.."









Thank you for reading this chapter!! Yet again, another short chapter, I'm sorry lol. Anyways, PLEASE give me requests for extra stories! Im begging ;-; Alright. see you in the next chapter!

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