(16) after party

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y/n POV

after all the fun things we've done today, all things must come to an end. everyone slowly began leaving until it was just me, rui, and nene. soon enough, nene left to get on home. she just stayed until everyone left. 

"so what time are you going home?" i asked rui as he stared down at his phone.

he shrugged, reached into his pocket, and his eyes slowly widened in shock. 

"what happened? did you lose something? we can look for it." i suggested.

"shit... i left my keys at home on accident, and my room mate has the spare key... haha" he sounded extremely worried, but not to the point to where it got concerning. 

"oh- well, you can stay another night! that wouldn't hurt, right? rui brought his hand to his chin to think about it. 

"hmm... sure! it definitely wouldn't hurt!" he exclaimed as he placed his hands on his hips.

"great!" i smiled. 

"hey y/n, i'm gonna spend the night practicing with the rest of vbs and ena has to practice with nightcore or whatever. it's fine if we leave you with mom and dad right?" akito said as he started towards me. "hey wait, why haven't you left yet?"

"oh, he forgot his keys at his place so he's staying another night, and yea it's fine, you can leave me with mom and dad" i replied. 

"ohhh alright, i'll see you guys tomorrow, by y/n luv ya" akito said as he patted my back and left. 

ena had already left earlier and had told akito to inform us when he left. 

"sooo, watchu wanna do?" i asked. simple question, didn't really know anything in mind. but rui came up with quite a complicated answer-

"you wanna build a robot?" he questioned. there was a look on his face that showed passion, and excitement. 

"sure!" i complied. then i remembered "wait- how're we gonna do it though? we don't have any parts"

"it's easy. we can build a simple robot with house materials." he said as he took out his phone once again to search something up. 

"let's see... do you have any scraps? like cardboard boxes, or tin cans?" he inquired. 

i nodded and ran upstairs. i had a bunch of soda cans because i liked collected the soda tabs. i grabbed a couple and rushed back downstairs. i was confused on where this was going, but since rui was an expert, i trusted him.

"alright! next, we need some hot glue. do you have a hot glue gun?"

once again, i nodded and ran to the closet next to the bathroom. i rummaged through the boxes until i found a glue gun. i picked up a glue gun stick and placed it in. soon, i rushed back to rui. 

"ok.. finally, we need some wires and batteries. do you have any?" and once again, i nodded and rushed to get the items. i don't know why i was rushing. i guess i just didn't want to keep him waiting. 

i happened to have an old laptop with wires and a hard drive, and i picked up some batteries from my drawer. i ran back downstairs and met up with rui. 

"y'know, you don't have to rush every time" he said as he giggled. for some reason, his giggles made me feel excited. i'm probably just excited about the robot.. 

"alright! let's get started. so first..." rui began speaking. his voice was sonically pleasing (A/N: why is your voice so sonically pleasing to me <33 LISTEN TO THIS SONG OMG ITS SO GOOD the title is Lovesong by Charlie Burg)  to me, and he explained everything in such a calm way. WAIT- why am i thinking this way- 

wanna be my dance partner? ✰ rui kamishiro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now