(8) Big Brother & Big Sister

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"Awhh Y/N! These are so cute!!" Emu said, quickly hooking the keychain to her small bag. 

"Thank you Y/N." Nene mumbled.

Everybody thanked me and I smiled. Then, I thanked everybody for coming with me to the amusement park and told them I had to buy groceries. 

"Can I come? I wanna get a snack haha" Hiro smiled and walked over to me. 

I nodded at Hiro and we left. I waved goodbye to everyone and walked to the supermarket with Hiro. Hiro kept his hands in his pockets and began to strike up a conversation with me. 

"So Y/N, how are Akito and Ena? They still making music?" He asks me as he looks around the neighborhood. 

"Yeah, they still make music but they're part of different groups." I replied, looking at the plushie in my bag that Rui won for me. 

"Ahh, that makes sense.. I mean- Their styles are very much different." Hiro continues on. 

We walked, and talked, on our way to the market and when we finally got there, Hiro went off to buy his snacks. I then went to the milk and eggs section and picked some good eggs and not spoiled milk. I then went on and continued looking for the things on my mom's grocery list. Once I was done, I went to the self-service registers and payed for my items. Then, I met Hiro at the front. 

"I gotta go home now, my mom wants me to cook dinner tonight..." Hiro said with an apologetic expression on his face. 

"It's alright! I'll text you tonight?" I asked.

Hiro nodded and walked away, waving me off. I smiled and walked to the direction of home. 

I unlocked the front door and saw my mother lying down on the couch sleeping. 'She must be tired..' I thought. I decided I would cook tonight instead of having mom cook in her current state. 

I started preparing the ingredients and got out the lumpia (egg roll) wrappers. (A/N If you guys don't know what lumpia is, it is an Asian dish. It is usually fried and has meat and vegetables for the filling and it dipped in a special sweet and spicy sauce! If you want, you can change what food they eat for dinner)

I finished mixing up the filling and spread out the wrapper. I took a spoonful of the filling and gently spread it on the wrapper. Then, I began rolling the small egg roll and placed it to the side. 

"Hey Y/N! What're you making?" my older sister asks me as she walks down the stairs. 

"I'm making lumpia, you wanna help?" I ask Ena. 

She nods and walks beside me. Soon we move together in a rhythm. I look to the side and see Akito checking up on mom. He walks away from her and walks toward the fridge.

"What're you guys making?" He finally says. Ena looks up at him and then looks back down. 

"Lumpia." She simply says in a cold tone. Did they get into an argument? Probably... They look angry at each other. 

I continued pasting, rolling and placing until me and Ena had a decent amount for dinner. 

Ena turned on the stove and placed a pot on top. She then pours oil into the pot and washes her hands. 

"Just wait until it boils, then you can drop them into the pot Y/N." Ena tells me as she dries her hands and turns on the tv. 

I nod and wait, occasionally going on my phone to check my notifications. Then, the oil began bubbling. I picked up the tray of lumpia and carefully dropped them into the pot, careful not to burn myself. Akito went over to the rice cooker and took out 3 plates from the cabinets. He placed a reasonable amount of rice on each plate and got out the iced tea. I took the plates he left behind and placed them on the table. Akito brought cups to the table and then I noticed the lumpia was done cooking. I scooped them out and placed them in a small bowl. 

Ena noticed we were preparing the table so she got up and strolled to the kitchen. She went to the fridge and got out the sweet and spicy sauce and brought it to the table, then walked over to wake mom up. 

I sat next to Akito on the dinner table as mom and Ena sat opposite of us. 

"Your father will be coming home late tonight so be sure to leave some left overs for him.." Mom tiredly said. 

"Thank you for the food that we have on the table."

Time skip to after dinner

"Y/N, can I talk to you real quick?" Akito asks me before I continue upstairs. 

I nod and Akito follows me upstairs. He walks ahead of me then walks into his room. I follow him and close the door behind me. Akito sits on his bed, and i sit on the floor. I already know he doesn't want me to sit on the bed considering the little accident I did on his bed while he was gone when we were younger. 

"I made a huge mistake.." 

I knew it. He probably took Ena's paint set. 

"I took Ena's paint set..." 

Called it. 

"Just give it back, you've done this before." I told him. I knew this situation. I've been through this before. 

"I didn't just take it.. I broke it too. She took my headphones so I took her paint set and broke it.."

Akito brought his hands to his face and rubbed it. Oh boy.. 

"Let's go to the store, I bet they're still open. We can buy her a new paint set there!" I said smiling at him. I remember once, I took Ena's paint brush and accidentally broke it in half thinking it was a wooden pencil. I ended up buying her a new one at the store. 

Akito nodded and helped me up off the floor. We left the house telling mom we were just going to the store. She smiled and let us go.

We silently walked to the store as I thought about what colors Ena would want. 

Me and Akito walked through the doors as they jingled. We went into the paint section and as I took a step to the paints. My eyes widened.

"Oh, Hello Y/N!"








End of chapter 8!

I know this chapter is short, I'm sorry... I'll make the next chapter longer I promisee

Thank you for reading this chapter! See you guys in the next one <33

wanna be my dance partner? ✰ rui kamishiro x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon