Chapter 1

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Canada's POV

I walked around my house, cleaning up as I went. I was getting ready for some people to come over. My house was being inspected before I did any renovations. I wanted to add on a new bathroom, just in case anyone comes to visit for awhile.

I finally got the last item to its place when I heard the doorbell.

"I-I'm coming!" I yelled quietly.

I made my way to the door.

Upon opening, I saw a tall man in a gray suit. He was holding a clipboard, wearing sunglasses, and had a defined jaw-line.

He looks more like someone from a dumb spy movie... Not a home inspector...

"I assume you're Matthew Willims?"

I like going by Matthew... No, I prefer going by Matthew. I'm noticed more when I go by it, but it sounds better than going by Canada all the time...

I invited the man in, and he did his home inspecting magic. Sooner than expected he finished.

"Mr. Matthew, your house is good. Not a problem in sight. Just don't screw anything up." And with that he handed me a piece of paper saying I could renovate, and left.

~Time Skip~

I was getting ready for bed when a really loud and annoying voice sounded from outside.

"Yo, Canada! Open up, bro, it's cold out here!" America...

I didn't want Alfie here cause I knew he wouldn't leave until really late.

I opened the door and just a streak of blond flew in.

"Well why don't you came right in..." I grumbled, hopefully loud enough for Alfie to hear.

"That's what I did, bro! Hey I just wanted to remind you, there's a world meeting tomorrow." He was curled up in a blanket on my couch, shoving burgers into his face.

"I know I was... WAIT WHERE'D YOU GET THOSE BURGERS?!" I was yelling now, which wasn't very loud.

"I keep some in my jacket! Want one?" Alfie took a burger from his jacket and offered it to me.

I shook my head and sat down facing him.

"Is that all?" I was becoming impatient. I didn't really want Alfie here much longer. He's annoying. But he's also my brother...

"Nah. I wanna hang out."

"I was just about to go to bed... Can you please leave. We can hang out again some other time."

"Okay, bro...fine. But don't forget what you just said!" Alfie jumped up and ran out the door.


I climbed the staircase and made my way to my room. I settled down to sleep.

But then my cell phone beeped.

A message from Germany?

Ok thats the first chappy. I hope u liek X3 ~Law

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