Chapter 14

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Prussia's POV

I awoke to the smell of maple, pancakes, and... bacon! I liked bacon. Not as much as wurst, but I liked it.

I stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen and the smell hit me like a frying pan. Yeah, a frying pan.

"Good morning, Gil." I was met with a pair of bright violet eyes and a big smile.

"Morning, Birdie." I sat down on a stool at the islnd counter.


"Hellz yes!" My reply was awesome.

Birdie giggled and set a plate infront of me. It was stacked high with maple smothered pancakes and lots of bacon on the side. Heaven.

Birdie sat down next to me with a pile of his own. We ate, cleaned up, and went into the living room.

We turned on the TV. There was nothing on the news. No good shows. Only annoying little kids shows. Like Mickeymouse Clubhouse, Dora the explorer, Bubble Guppies, and Chugginton. (Dont ask how i know these) We found some dumb documentary channel and watched a bit of it.

The documentary was about sea life. I wasn't really interested in it. I turned to Mattie to ask him if he wanted to do something else, but he was so into it. His eyes were wide and glued to the screen. He had a small smile on his face. He was so cute. For a split second I had the urge to kiss him.

I kept staring and smiling. Finally he turned his attention to me. He looked confused.

"Uhm... I-is there something the matter?"


"Then why are you smiling like a little kid on Christmas?" He looked at me intently, trying to figure out what was making me happy.

"You." I answered like it was nothing.


I hugged him, pulling him close. At first, he was tense. But soon he melted into the hug... and eventually hugged back.


"So uhm... Why are we hugging?" I laughed at the question, but I didn't let go.

"I'm zhanking you."


"For letting me stay. Vell, for asking me to. If you didn't vant me to stay, I'd probably have left und been bored, und sad, und probably thrown out again. So... zhank you, Birdie."

I went to let go, but Birdie didn't. He was hugging me tighter now.

"Thank you too. Thanks for accepting my offer. Thank you for bringing fun back into my life and house. I don't feel totally alone anymore. I'm happier now, and... and I'm glad you actually want to be here." I heard a soft sniffle come from Mattie, and I felt tears begin to flow onto my back.

Aww he's crying! Tears of happiness or sadness? I don't know...

I began to rub his back to comfort him. "Hey, dry your tears. I don't vanna see you cry. It'll make me cry. Und zhe awesome me doesn't like to cry!"

He giggled and quickly squeezed me one last time before letting go. His face was red from tears and embarrassment. He wiped his face and smiled, letting out a shaky laugh.

"Soorry. I'm such a wimp, I cry too easily." I patted his head.

"Nah it's fine. Just, promise me you von't cry all zhe time?"

Birdie laughed at my question and nodded. "I promise I won't cry all the time!"

('つヮ⊂) ('つヮ⊂) ('つヮ⊂)

Ohh the fluff! I hope im making u fangirl. And i made this chapter longer because i needed to make a longer chapter. Enjoy!

He Calls Me Birdie ~PruCan~Where stories live. Discover now