Chapter 28

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Canada's POV

Our bags were packed and we were getting ready to head to the airport. Gil and I were so excited. Well I was anyways. CHRISTMAS WITH PAPA FRANCE!

We got to the airport and had to put Kuma and Gilbird in cages. That didn't settle fine with Kuma. He was cursing at us and trying to claw Gil's eyes out. I swear he's an angel.

We got on the plane and were finally able to relax. But once the plane was about to take off, Gil got tense. I looked at him and he looked like he was about to crap himself. I gave his hand a reassuring squeezed and smiled. He made a face and hid himself in his jacket.

~Time Skip~

"Wow, Gil. I had no clue you're afraid of flying."

"I don't like being so far up. It's a common fear!"

We had finally landed and Gil was still shaky. He wouldn't let go of my hand, which earned us some stares. It also earned us various squeals from a bunch of girls.

We made to where you pick up the bags and easily found ours. As we made our way to the exit, I heard France calling for me. And I eventually caught sight of him. I grabbed Gil's hand and dragged him all the way over to France. I knew Gil wasn't excited to spend Christmas here. But France has been his friend for awhile, so I wasn't too worried.

France engulfed me in a hug and started rambling on about how much he's missed me. I rolled my eyes and faught my way out of his arms... and subsequently into Gil's. Gil gave Francis a look of pure hatred. I seriously hated how they'd fight over me when they were around each other.

"Well... Can we go now, Francis?" I stood up on my tiptoes and waved my hand infront of France's face. He nodded and grabbed my hand, darting for the door. But Gil had also grabbed my hand. So now they were quite literally fighting over me, and my soon to be dead body. I sighed and slapped both of them. "Stop fighting! You're hurting my precious arms."

"Sorry, Birdie."

"Oui, sorry..."

"Okay, let's go."

~Another time skip~

When we arrived at France's house, Gil died. Even though he didn't want to spend the holiday here, he absolutely loved France's mansion. It was gorgeous.

"I don't know vhat to say..." Gil stared at the estate in awe.

"It's okay... No matter how many times I come here, I fall in love with this building over and over again..." I shooshed Gil with my remark. France smirked and nodded.

"Oui, my mansion is something to behold. But the interior is better than the exterior. He waved us to follow him. Upon entering, Gil's jaw dropped even more.

There were two staircases on either side of the foyea, leading to a second floor. Through the middle of the staircases there was a hallway leading to the livingroom. On the right there was another hallway that lead to the dining room, and through there was the kitchen. On the left was a long hallway leading rooms and bathrooms. And more rooms and bathrooms upstairs.

In the middle of the living room, a huge Christmas tree sat with literally hundreds of presents underneath. Decorations everywhere. Gil fell over.

"Are you okay, Gil?" I bent down and poked his side. He squealed and jumped up.

"Ja, I'm fine. It's just...... Heilige Scheiße..." He laughed. I laughed. France laughed. We all laughed. Even though France had no clue what Gil said.

~Ermagerd anerder Time Skip~

Some other countries came to stay with France as well, but only for the night. We were all tired from listening to France talk about "All the fun things" we were going to do the next day. So everyone went to their rooms. And a surprising sight was Romano and Spain sharing a room. How did Antonio get Lovi to agree to that?! I chose to not think on it and go up to my room.

When I got there, Gil was already sprawled out on the California King bed. (I has one. Its magical) He had taken his pants off so he was just wearing an undershirt and... my boxers?! I was correct. He was wearing my Canadian flag boxers. Why did I buy him his own if he's going to steal mine? That's not even sanitary.

I closed the door and he heard me. He popped up and his eyes followed me around the room. I went to where the pet kennel was in the room and let Kuma and Gilbird out. Kuma jumped into my arms and Gilbird was chirping like crazy and flying around Gil's head. We laughed and cuddled our companions for a second. Then I set Kuma down on the pet bed and walked over to Gil. His little yellow buddy flew to Kuma and landed on his head. They curled up together and fell asleep rather quickly.

"Birdie?" Gil's voice was just above a whisper.

"Oui?" I looked over at my boyfriend. I was met with his warms lips. He was always giving me surprise kisses. And they were always at the right time. After broke our little kiss, I went and turned the lights off. It was really dark and I couldn't see where I was going. All of a sudden, I felt an arm slip around my waist and another over my mouth. Right then I heard Gil's unmistakable laugh.

"Kesesese~ I felt your heart jump out of you!" He turned me around and hugged me tight. I huffed.

"Well maybe it's cause you scared the frick fracking frickleton out of me!" Gil laughed.

"Ohh, ja?" He didn't stop laughing at me.

"Oui." I elbowed him and made a B-line for the bed. I jumped in and immediately canvased myself in blankets, hiding from Gil. I could barely hear footsteps approaching the bed. Nothing came. Just when I was about to peak out, Gil threw himself onto the bed and tackled me. I struggled to keep in a scream. I knew some people were awake, but some people were also asleep.

Gil started to dig through the blankets to find me. He found me. Ohh god. He wrapped his arms around me and cuddled into my back. This was gonna be a long week.


At the moment im falling asleep. I did start writing thjs chapter earlier. Well gnight

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