Chapter 26

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Canada's POV

Gil looked at me with a cheeky smile. "Ich liebe dich auch."

"I'm guessing that means you love me too." He nodded a yes. I smiled and hugged Gil from behind. I shoved my face into his shoulder and sighed. He reached and pat me on the head.

"Okay, is Birdie getting bored or somezhing?" Gil leaned his head back a bit and kissed my cheek. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my face heat up. I found it funny how that always happened whenever he'd kiss me.

"No. I'm just... enjoying the moment..." I nuzzled my face back into his shoulder and squeezed him tighter.

"Birdie, I'm getting tired." Gil squirmed around a bit, but settled when he felt comfortable. I was getting tired too. A nap didn't sound so bad. But I had things to do.

"If you wanna take a nap you can." I started to get up to go look for Kuma.

"Okay. But I vant you to nap vith me." He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back down onto the couch. I huffed.

"Gil, I have stuff I need to do."

"You can do it... just after you take a nap vith me."

"But Giiiiilllll~" I started to whine. I looked at my boyfriend to be met with crimson puppy eyes. He was pouting and blinking like a little kid begging for another cookie. I sighed in defeat. "Ugh, fine... But this'll be our first time sleeping together..." My face began to heat up when I thought of being in a bed with Gil.

"Ja, I know. Und ve von't just be sleeping." He wiggled his eyebrows and made a pervy face. (  ・ิω・ิ) My face turned a deep shade of red.


"I'm just kidding... maybe" (  ・ิω・ิ) I playfully slapped Gil on the arm.

"Don't joke like that."

"Fine~" Gil let go and we headed upstairs so we could have a PEACEFUL NAP.

~Time skip~

I awoke to Gil snuggling me like a stuffed animal. He was still asleep. I looked at him and smiled. His hair was all messy and his mouth was slightly open and he was snoring softly. I could get used to waking up to this.

I caught myself smiling really wide while thinking about the future. I started to think of having children. Oh god. And how many we'd have. What we'd name them. How we'd raise the little angels. Where they'd go to school. I was so deep in thought, I didn't notice Gil wake up.

"Birdie? How long have you been avake?" I glanced at the clock and thought about what time I had woken up.

"Just a few minutes. I've just been thinking." I sat up stretched, Gil doing the same.

"Thinking about vhat?"

"Just future crap."

"Ah." He went silent after that. I was about to make my out of bed until Gil thought it would be amusing to drag me back down. He climbed on top of me and sorta pinned me down.

"Gil, what are you doing?" I gave the Prussiana look. He cheekily smiled back and kissed me.

"Nozhing." His smile grew larger.

"It's obviously not nothing. You're smiling like a creep. AND, why would you pin me... oh... Oh... OH! Don't even think about it!" I gave him my mostest seriously mean face I could and he laughed.

"But Birdie, I vanna see vhat happens vhen I pull your curl." He leaned forward, bringing his face just centimeters away from mine. My face turned red and my heart began to beat faster.

"You already know what happens!" I thrashed around to try to get free, but Gil had a good grip. (He always has a good grip on you, mattie!)

"I don't exactly know vhat happens. All I know is zhat you make such interesting noises when I barely even tug it. I vant to experience more." (  ・ิω・ิ)

"G-gil, don't do it! The noises... they're just the beginning..." Just as I said that, I slapped my hands over my mouth. I made a huge mistake by saying that. I had a feeling Gil was about to get... kinky...

"Hmm... I zhink I'm going to pull your curl, after all!" He did what he said. He pulled my curl. And I let out a loud moan. It was a bit embarrassing for me, but Gil looked like he didn't mind me making these noises. Oh wait. He wanted me to make these noises.

"G-gil..." I tried to talk, but he leaned down and started to kiss me, tugging my curl at the same time.

My curl was a bit sensitive. And every time Gil would pull it, a tiny wave of shocking pain jolted down my spine. But in a way, it felt good. I started to....enjoy it. (Hmmm not sorry that im writing this)

Another pull of my curl snapped me out of my thoughts and out escaped the most interesting noise I've ever made. Gil looked at me sorta strangely.

"Have you had enough?" Gil asked. He let go of my curl.

"Uh... Oui..?" He smiled and breathed out a laugh at my response.

"Ohh so you vere enjoying it? I mean, you did look like you-"

"EEEE SHUT UP GIL!" I yelled at him. Jumping up, I ran out of the room and to the stairs. But to my dismay, I tripped over something small, fluffy, and yellow. And I rolled painfully down the stairs. When I got to the bottom, I heard Gil start yelling at someone.

"MEIN GOTT GILBIRD! VHY DID YOU TRIP BIRDIE?! I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN YOU'RE ROOM!" I looked up to see Gil holding what I tripped over. It was his bird. Making his way down the stairs, Gil sat next to me. He held out his hand to show me Gilbird.

"Isn't this the little bird you wear on your head at the meetings?" He nodded yes and started to lean over on me.

"I'm sorry little Gilbird tripped you." Gil wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

"It's okay. I'm not too worried aboot it."

(  ・ิω・ิ) (  ・ิω・ิ) (  ・ิω・ิ)

So... over 1k words in the chappy. I worked on it all night + this morning. Your welcome. Je t'aime mes petite crepes.
I am really tired i have to need for proper anything at the moment. just coffee. Bye

~Law =.=

He Calls Me Birdie ~PruCan~Where stories live. Discover now