Chapter 24

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It's 2:38 a.m. right now and I'm eating cantaloupe and im satisfying my string cheese craving with string cheese. Im also listening to Nirvana and there is a weird thing happening i am thinking about making an entire chapter of smut. Just... SMUT. SMUTTY LEMONS FOR ONES ADDICTED TO SMUT... LIKE ME. I am the punk rock prucan lovechild that stays up all night eating the weirdest things and imagines two gay men doing each other. I think ive been sniffing too much PixiStix lately. Which i did on bandtour and it was classic and i was so high i started like eating my guy friend who begged to sit behind me on the tour bus and i started dating my latino friend and we were the sappiest couple for like 5 hours and then the PixiStix wore off so we called our relationship off and said it was a joke. Anyway. Short Crappy Chappy

Canada's POV

I woke up to find my face shoved into Gil's chest. I admit I was comfortable, but I was awake. Which meant I couldn't go back to sleep. I didn't want to wake Gil, but I needed to get up. God, I hated these situations.

I started to slink out of his grasp and my butt was beginning to hang off the couch. I basically just rolled onto the floor. But in a painful way. I had forgotten that the couch was a bit higher off the ground than normal couches.

When I hit the ground I accidentally let out a squeal. Stupid squeal. It woke up Gilbert.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. I was laying on my back with my arms and legs in the air like a dead cockroach. He tiredly smiled and sat up.

"I'm soorry I woke you..." I whispered. He shook his head.

"It's okay. I need to start getting up earlier anyvay." He stood up and started for the kitchen. Coffee. I jumped up from my weird insect position and followed after my boyfriend.

Once in the kitchen, he started brewing the coffee. While we waited, I took some left over pancakes from the fridge and threw them in the microwave to nuke them. (Am i the only who says nuke when i mean "heat up"?)

Gil suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me, causing me to jump. He chuckled as I let out a sigh of frustration. And it really sounded like a constipated elephant giving birth. Which only caused Gil to laugh some more.

I twisted around to face the Prussian. It was obvious he was still tired, and that he was slowly waking up. We stared into each other's eyes. As we were enjoying the morning silence, our faces began to drift closer. And closer. And closer. Until finally...

I felt them...

Gil's lips.

We were having our first kiss. We. Were having. Our first FOOKING KISS! I was so happy. I was fangirling on the inside. My stomach felt like it was going to fly out of my body and ride off on a llama-corn.

We pulled away and gasped for air. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Birdie ve just-"

"I know!" We laughed some more, still hugging. Then Gil started to lean in again. And so did I. We started to, as you would say, have a make out session. And then *Censored*


Mmmmmmhmmmm nothing like a little kitchen smut tease and coffee brewing in the background.

~Law €(°₩°€)

He Calls Me Birdie ~PruCan~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora