Chapter 9

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Canada's POV

I was sitting in silence at home, trying to comprehend my own feelings... and stupidity. I love Gil... No, I'm not gay... Or... am I?? I was startled when I heard an angry pounding on my door.

"Open up, Maple Bastard!" It was Romano, and he sounded pissed. Of course, I was scared to open my door. A pissed Romano is a scary Romano... so he's scary all the time...

"I won't ask again!" I heard from outside. You didn't ask.... I walked to the door and opened it. And

"Uh... Romano? Are you feeling okay?" The Italian's grip was very tight, and I could feel him trembling. "Romano, what happened?!" I "yelled."

After a few seconds Lovi let go and shut the door. He walked to my couch and planked. Like... he just... Plopped onto my couch like he was giving up.

"Romano. What's up? Why are you acting like depressed America?" He sat up and looked at me with his usual angry expression.

"You pancake eating bastard! Why don't you tell anyone what's bothering you? We're all here for you, and you completely ignore us in times like these. We just want to help! Is there something wrong with that?!" He was towering over me, which was surprising because I'm the taller one.

"Lovino... I... It's something Gil can't know..." He sat back down and gave me a questioning look.

"What? Are you like... Gay and in love with him, or something?" I sheepishly smiled and I felt my face heat up. Lovi's eyes grew wide and he.... smiled?! He jumped up and clapped his hands on his cheeks and started fangirl squeeling.

"Aawww!!! That is so sweet! I ship it!!! I've gotta tell the others!"

"No! If you blab, Gil will find out!" I yelled as loud as podsible. And Lovi returned to his regular serious self. Thank the maple gods in pancake heaven!

"Mattie, you and Gilbert were meant to be! I'll find a way to bring you two lost souls together in holy matrimony!"

"L-lovino! It's not that easy... Or serious! It's just a crush that I'll get over soon enough. You'll see." I tried to sound certain, but I honestly felt like this wasn't going to end so pleasently.

The Italian huffed. "Alright, fine. But if you don't get over it, and become even more obsessed with Beer Breath, I'll make sure you two end up together!" I blushed and covered my face. I had to admit, I was in love with Gilbert.

"Alright let's find something to do!" Lovi started looking around my livingroom.


"Let's do something! I stormed away from the others to come hang out with you. So let's do something and not be bored."

I smiled. "W-well... I kinda wanna go to a cafe..."

Lovi smiled. He knew what I meant.

('つヮ⊂) ('つヮ⊂) ('つヮ⊂)

Omg i was dying while writing this. I hope you guys enjoyed this and im soorry for not updating all the time.  im writing these two future chapters that are gonna make you freak. Just so you can look forward to dying. Anyway. Good bye, see ya!

Ps- thanks for 200+ reads!

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