Chapter 4

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Canada's POV

The ride home was silent...very silent. I was never one to do good with silence...or breaking it...

I was just about to turn on the radio when...

"So, you live nearby?"

"Y-yeah." I mumbled softly and kept my eyes on the road

Gilbert's attempt at making conversation wasn't going too well.

Prussia's POV

The ride got awkward very fast...

I tried making some conversation with him, but he's so quiet and shy.

I vonder if he can actually hold a converzation...

"A-are you actually drunk?" I heard a small voice stammer.

Was I actually drunk?

"Nah. Just buzzed. I'm perfectly fine!" I declared in my awesome voice of awesomeness.

We got to his place about five minutes later. Matthew welcomed me in, gave me a quick tour of the place, then showed me to my room.

After I threw my stuff where I wanted it, I went downstairs and sat on the couch next to Matt.

We watched the news for a while. Until Matt turned the tv off.

"How much does it take?" The blonde looked at me, curiousity filled his eyes.

"How a vhat now?"

"How much does it take to get a Gilbert drunk?" He smiled at me.

"Ehh... I can do good up to 450 beers. If i have 451, it's all over."

Canada's lavender eyes grew huge.

"450 BEERS?! WHAT ARE YOU?!" He was yelling, which probably wasn't considered yelling, it was so quiet.

And cute...

Matthew was rambling on about how anything over 30 should put you in the hospital.

"Mattew, I'm ze awesome Prussia!"

He just sighed a shook his head.

"What ever, Gil. Uhm... Can I call you Gil?" Pink hinted at his cheeks.

So... so cute..

I smiled. "Ja, I'm fine vith zat. Can i call you Birdie?"

The blush on Matt's face began to darken.

"A p-pet name...?"


He looked down as if thinking.

"Yeah, okay. I don't mind." He smiled a cute smile.


I was engulfed in my thoughts. I barely noticed Birdie get up from his spot next to me.

"G'night, Gil." I heard Birdie's soft voice from behind me as he walked upstairs to his room.

"Ja, gute nacht Birdie."

I got up as well and headed for my room. I hoped I'd be able to stop thinking about Birdie and get some sleep.

(//∇//) (//∇//) (//∇//) (//∇//) (//∇//)
Oooooohhhhh gil's in looooooooovvvvvvee! I enjoyed writing this :D see ya!


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