Chapter 21

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Prussia's POV

We had been walking around the park for about two hours. We were really bored so we thought about heading back to Birdie's house. So that's what we did.

"So... what are we going to do there? YOU'RE NOT GOING TO PROPOSE TO HIM, ARE YOU?!" France grabbed my collar and shook me around.

"Fraaaaance! You're papa side is showing!" Spain was poking mister Frenchy.

"No, I'm not going to propose to him. Und if I vas... I could propose wherever und whenever I vanted." I glanced over at France and smirked. He was so pissed it was funny. But it wasn't funny that he wanted to kill me...

~Temps Saut~

We arrived and saw Romano's car. That made me mad. I didn't like the idea of that tomato munching Italian being over while I wasn't there.

It might be Birdie's house. But he's mein Birdie.

"Hey, Prussia... you okay with Romano being here?" Spain put his hand on my shoulder. To be honest, I hated the fact that they even talked to each other. But I guess Mattie deserved a friend. BUT WHY ROMANO?!

The door was unlocked so we walked right in.

"Honey, I'm home!"

"Ohh my maple, Gil. Could you not!" I heard Birdie's quiet yell from the kitchen.

"I brought zhe idiots!" France and Spain both hit me on the head.

"Ohh dear... Uhm, don't come in the kitchen!"

"Vhy not?"

"It's a mess. I made pancakes earlier and I haven't cleaned up!"

"Okay... Vhere's tomato muncher?" Birdie came running into the foyer. He nervously smiled.

"He..h-he uhm... He left! Yeah. He left."

"Uh, amigo? His car is still in your drive-way..." Spain pointed to outside.

"Matthieu... What are you hiding?" France walked up to Birdie and placed a hand on his shoulder. Birdie sighed and hung his head.

"Okay... you got me. I hit Lovi on his head with a frying pan..."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" All three of us yelled. Mattie hid his face in his sweatshirt.

"I know, bad idea! I... was just upset..."

If that is what he does when he's upset... I don't think I want to know what he does when he's truly angry...

Spain and France ran into the kitchen to find a passed out Romano on the floor.

"Hey, hombre! I'm gonna take him back to my place so he doesn't try to kill Mattie when he wakes up. France, you come too!"

"Bien! Ça ira!" France helped carry Romano to his car. They jumped in, started it up with Spain's mysterious spare key, and drove off.

"Ugh too much stuff going on!" I walked over to the couch and plopped down. I turned the tv on to the news. Just weather stuff... boring.

I shut the tv off and grabbed a magazine.

I guess I'll read...

I was reading some article on some dumb sports drink I'd never heard of. I heard some mumbling and a quiet sigh come from next to me. I looked up and to my left to find a balled up Mattie cursing himself in French.

"You okay, Birdie?" He didn't look at me but knodded. Liar.

"You don't look okay."

(・~・') (・~・') (・~・') (・~・')

Okay so thats it. It sucks, i know.
Dont hate me
If u hate THIS chapter...
Than youre really gonna love next chapter...
No i serious
Youre gonna love it


Ps thanks for 900+ reads! ♡♡

He Calls Me Birdie ~PruCan~Where stories live. Discover now