Chapter 3

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Canada's POV

I pulled up to the hotel, noticing a tall man run frantically around the lobby.

Upon entering, I descovered it was Germany, and he was rambling on about... 450 beers??? What did that mean? He noticed me.

Well this is a first...

"Oh, Matthew! Good that you got here. Come now, Gilbert is in need of help."

"Well hold on, Ludwig!" I said, just above a whisper.

I didn't really like people... and I didn't like talking to people who intimidate Ludwig... Not only is he strong, he's a freaking giant!

"Vell Matthew, vhat is it?! Never mind. Ve don't need to waste time!"

Ludwig grabbed my arm tightly and started dragging me to the elevator.

My arm started hurting from Germany's extremely tight grip. And all I could muster out was a quiet, high-pitched whimper.

Ludwig turned around and looked at me.

It was a look that insulted me.


That's all I got. An insult. He barely even loosened his grip until we got to the elevator.

~going up~

We got to the brothers' room on the top floor.

"W-why are you two sharing a room?" I was kind of curious, seeing these two brothers share a room is like seeing a badger and a sloth share food...

The brothers are opposites, and they're sharing a room? These occasions never end well.

"Ve shared this room because my lazy-ass brother refused to pay for his own room."

"So why do you need my help exactly?"

Ludwig opened the door to a drunk Gilbert.

Ohh my maple... why the hell am I the one he needed...?


"I need you to take him home with you."

"W-what?! Why?!"

"He's a lazy bum who only spends money on food and beer! If you don't take him, I'll throw him on the streets! Ve don't vant that, now do ve?!"

I shied away at the tone and aggression in Ludwig's voice.

And agreed...

To take Gilbert home.

Gilbert refused at first, saying how the awesome him couldn't be thrown out so easily. But I convinced him to come, that he'd be carefree at my house.

I guess it worked.

Gilbert got his stuff together in literally 2 seconds and was dragging me down the hall. Gilbert's grip was loose, but firm enough so that he couldn't drop my hand.


He's holding my hand!!!

The fact that Gilbert was holding my hand made my face heat up. I got the thought out of my head by thinking about Kuma, my polar bear.

We got outside and Gilbert let go. I internally sighed. Why was I feeling so flustered?

"Vere's your car?"

I jerked my head up and snapped back to reality.

"O-oh uhm..." I pointed to the cute and simple white car I drove.

I noticed an admirable smile spread accross Prussia's face.

"Nice ride. Simple, but cute!" He winked at me.

I blushed madly and headed towards my car, Gilbert close behind.

Even though he was "drunk", Gilbert seemed to be a nice guy. And I was excited to get to know him.

I could tell...

This is going to be interesting...

(≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦)
Bonjour! I hope u all enjoyed chapter 3! Next chapter should be better... and possibly longer...


He Calls Me Birdie ~PruCan~Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα