Chapter 25

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I have no idea how to start this since I ended it with a morning time kitchen smut tease... also! Only 5 chapters left. So these last five are gonna be longer. Well then... AN ATTEMPT AT A CHAPTER!

Prussia's POV

I was really feeling confident about our relationship. Mattie and I had announced at the next meeting that we were official. England was crying tears of happiness while France planned my demise out loud and in French. Which resulted in Mattie throwing pancakes at him.

Everyone's reactions were different than expected. Except for Romano and Spain. They just squeeled and kept hugging us. Fangirls.

Mattie was getting a lot more attention than usual, and he was sorta enjoying it. He was smiling all day. When we got back to what I now called home, he just squeeled and plopped onto the couch.

"Birdie, calm down. You're acting like Lovi."

"Wow, you actually used his name!" He sat up and looked at me with a sassy expression.

"Ja, I did. So vhat?" I sat next to my boyfriend and grabbed a magazine. Canadian magazines were so interesting. Unlike the news. I heard Mattie give an exasperated sigh.

"Never mind." He crossed his arms and looked up at the ceiling. We sat in silence. Mattie staring at something above him, and I reading some article on Niagra Falls. I was getting pretty deep into the article until Mattie threw himself onto me, knocking the magazine out of my hands.

"May I help you?" I asked. He nodded 'no' and just layed all sprawled out on my lap. He was being so adorable. I breathed out a laugh and started to tickle him. He let out a high pitched squeel and squirmed around.

"GILBERT, STOP!" Was all he could muster out before he started laughing uncontrollably. "S-STOP!" He kept pleading. But I didn't listen~! (High five if you get the reference)

"I'm not gonna stop!"

"P-PLEASE! YOU'RE KILLING ME!" Mattie started to cry from laughter. Yeah, he had enough.

"Not until you say zhat I am zhe best!"

"Y-YOU'RE THE... TH-THE BEST!" And with that, I released him. He punched me on the arm, harder than I expected.

"Ow..." I said in a winy tone. I rubbed my arm and made a pouty face. Mattie rolled his eyes.

"C'mon, really? I know that didn't hurt."

"Vell actually, it did hurt a little bit..."

"You're getting weak, Gil."

"NEIN! I am not! You're just stronger zhan I zhought!" Mattie laughed and hugged me. Of course, being the awesome boyfriend I was, I hugged back.

"Hey Gil..."


"SNEAK ATTACK!" He whisper-screamed. He jumped on my back and put me in a choke hold.

"Birdie, vhat are you-" I was interrupted by Mattie giving me a noogie. "No! My hair!" I wiggled around to try and get Mattie off of me, but he clung on for dear life. "VHY, BIRDIE, VHY?!"

"This. Is. PAYBACK!!!" He continued to mess up my hair. And then. He found my ticklish spot.

"NoooOOOOO!" I was yelling and squeeling like a little girl, making Mattie laugh. He then stopped. I jolted up and tried to catch my breath.

"Gil... Je t'aime." I heard Mattie say quietly.

"Vhat's zhat mean?"

"I love you."


Hmm... i think i just mastered winging it. Anyway i hope you enjoyed this. Next chapter is going to be..... great (  ・ิω・ิ)


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