Chapter 23

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Canada's POV

I cannot believe I agreed to watch horror movies with Gil. I was a nervous wreck. I wasn't one to enjoy watching people getting their entrails ripped out and their heads cut off. But I had already promised Gil I would watch them, and I didn't want to break it.

I had been getting a bunch of popcorn ready for our horror movie marathon when Gil popped up with a stupid looking zombie mask on and scared me.


"Ja, you're not gonna handle zhese movies very vell." Gilbert looked at me with a blank face. But then he smiled that evil smile he smiles when he has a despicable idea.

"Ohh no. I know that look all too well..." Gil's smile widened.

"If you get scared, ve can cuddle!"

"That's not the only thing you're thinking aboot! What other ideas are you having?" I gave Gil the most serious face I had. But he laughed and hugged me.

"Ohh it's nuzhing! I'll save zhees idea for anuzher day!" He emphasized his accent. It always made me laugh. I wasn't too worried about his idea anymore. But I still wanted to know what he was thinking.

~Time Skip to... SCARY MOVIES~ not really scary :P

"Gilbert what are you doing? That movie isn't scary."

"How vould you know?" He sat next to the dvd rack looking through some of his movies.

"I've seen it. And all the sequels. So trust me when I say, Scary Movie is not scary." I sighed and sat on the couch. Gil looked up at me with the cutest little face.

"I'm sorry, I'm confuzzled... You have seen Scary Movie und all zhe sequels... yet you are scared of scary movies?" He stood up and sat next to me.

"Yes. Don't question me."

"Fair enough. Oh I know vhat ve should vatch!" Gil's eyes lit up.

"Oh yeah?"

"Ja!" He started jumping up and down.

"What movie? It better be one I haven't seen, and it has to actually be scary." I latched onto Gil and pulled him back onto the couch.

"Zhis movie vill make you piss yourself." He looked at me and smirked.

"It better!" It was silent for a second while we just stared at each other. But then we broke out into laughter. We lughed until we cried. (Btw @ShadowKitten_FTW said i couldn't do that. So i accepted that challenge. She cried for a while)

"Okay so zhis movie is scary. Und I zhink you've never seen it."

"What is the movie?!"

"CHILDREN... OF... ZHE... CORN..."

Prussia's POV

Mattie's eyes grew wide, and a look of fear washed over his face.

"Oh I've heard of that movie. I've stayed away from it. I heard it was terrifying." I smiled and slowly nodded my head. And Mattie did the opposite.

"Ohh, Gil... Please don't make me watch that!" He hugged me and buried his face in my chest.

"Birdie, it's just a movie. Besides, I'll be right zhere vith you." I rubbed his back to calm him down. He sighed and mumbled something. I couldn't understand what he had said, it was so muffled.


"I said... LETS DO THIS!" He yelled it in the cutest way ever. I smiled and hugged him.

"Okay!" I jumped up and got the movie started. We curled up on the couch in a pile of blankets. We had three bowls of popcorn, two 2 liters of Dr. Pepper, and lots of gummy worms. Perfect.

When the movie came on, I felt Mattie tense up. I gave him a reassuring squeeze.

Some time during the movie, Mattie got really scared. So he called Kuma. Kuma walked into the room, looked at the tv, and looked at us. "Hell no!" was what the little bear said right before he ran out of the room.

I chuckled, but Mattie started to whimper. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him.

"Don't forget, Birdie. I'm here!" He whimpered some more. He rolled over to face me. He buried his face into my chest and snuggled into me. I didn't mind it. I stroked his hair and I felt him drift off to sleep. I decided to turn the movie off. I wanted to sleep too, but I didn't know whether to carry him up to his room or just fall asleep there on the couch. I decided to sleep on the couch with Mattie. And I fell asleep really fast.

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Okay so ive been working on this chapter for literally 3 weeks. Sorry. But at least i got it out. But sad news. Only i moar chapters. My goal is 30 chapters and then a sequel.


~Law €(°₩°€)

He Calls Me Birdie ~PruCan~Where stories live. Discover now