Chapter 27

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;-; guys dont look now, but its chapter 27. I SAID DONT LOOK NOW! Okeh u can look. Im getting emotional *fans eyes as i begin to cry* okay chappy time.

Prussia's POV

November went by super fast. And so did most of December. But it was one week until Christmas, and there was a meeting in France, on Christmas day. So we had to spend Christmas in France, with France, which really made me angry. I wanted to spend Christmas ALONE with Mattie... ALONE.

We were getting ready for bed when Mattie had first told me. "Ugh Birdie can't ve just skip zhe meeting?" I threw myself into our bed and flailed around. Mattie looked at me and chuckled.

"No, silly. It's not exactly smart to skip the meetings. AND it's the Christmas meeting. We do gift exchanges. Don't you want gifts?" (i honestly dont know if they do this. I haven't watched hetalia in awhile) He climbed in on the other side and sat next to me.

"Ja, I guess. Do I have to give things to the other countries?"

"Oui. That would be the nice thing to do." He smiled at me and laid back.

"Vell, I'm not nice so I von't have to vorry about getting any gifts!"

"Now, Gilbert, that's not true. You are very nice. So you do need to worry aboot it." Shut his lamp off and laid on his side to sleep. I turned my lamp off and joined Mattie to sleep. I rolled over and wrapped my arms around my boyfriend.

"Gil... I'm trying to sleep."

"Und I'm trying to cuddle you." I pulled him in closer and snuggled my head into the nape of his neck. I felt him silently chuckle.

"Bonne nuit, Gil."

"Gute Nacht, Birdie."


I woke up to the sun shining through the blinds and Creepers singing. I was still clinging to Mattie, who was fast asleep. I smiled to myself. I seriously hugged him the entire time I was asleep. Wow.

I decided to continue to hold him until he woke up. I almost fell asleep in the process. But I was fully alert once he started to stir. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I smiled at him and his bed head. He slowly blinked and closed his eyes again. He looked like he was going back to sleep. I laughed and squeezed him, kinda waking him up. He yawned and stretched, rolling around.

"Good morning, Gil." He gave a tired smile and blinked slowly again.

"Guten Morgen! I'll go make coffe. You just... sit here... I'll bring it to you." I jumped up and ran down to the kitchen. While I was making the coffee, Gilbird flew in and landed on my head. He chirped a bit but then sat still atop my head.

I got the coffee brewed and made just the way Mattie likes it. I decided to microwave some pancakes for him as well. I got his little breakfast together and put it on a tray. I met Kuma on the way up, and grabbed him as well.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Prussia, mothafucka!" I had been reading/watching too much Homestuck stuff lately. (Same *gamzee face*)

I made it up to our room and saw that Mattie had fallen asleep again. He was so cute, I didn't want to wake him up. I set Kuma on the bed and made a shooshing gesture. The little polar bear nodded and crawled over to the side of Mattie and curled up. I smiled at them. As I far as I knew, they've been together ever since Mattie became a country.

I set the tray on the bedside table and sat down. Seeing the two of them sleeping overloaded me with cuteness, I was about to explode. I leaned over Mattie and soflty kissed his forehead. His eyes fluttered open and his mouth curved into a sly smile. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me into a really surprising kiss. When he let go, his smile was wider.

"Vere you fake sleeping?"

"Not exactly. I was still awake, but falling asleep." He sat up and glanced over to the tray on the end table. I smiled and gave him the tray. He took a sip of coffee and dug into the pancakes. It was gone in 30 seconds.

"Vell zhen..." We shared a laugh then started to get ready for the day. After Mattie got dressed he started to search for a good airline for plane tickets. He said we were going to stay with France since he was family. Great. ~sarcasm~

I was cleaning up around the house and packing my bag when I saw the sweetest thing ever. Gilbird had fallen asleep with Kuma and they were cuddling and oamfhakzgamvbrlflp!!! It was the most precious thing. I started squealing. Mattie ran to where I was and automatically started to die from the cute. We couldn't handle it, we had to exit the room.

"Gil... That was adorable!~"

"I know. Who knew zhey'd get along like zhis?" He laughed and went back to what he was doing. I finished packing and cleaning so I threw myself on the couch and started watching some stuff on le television. Nothing too interesting.


Eww im tired. I dont know how long ive worked on this like damn. 1 word. Procrastination. Sorry its shorter than the last one i just need to get this out there!


He Calls Me Birdie ~PruCan~Where stories live. Discover now