Chapter 20

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Prussia's POV

I met up with Spain and France at a small café about 5 miles away from Birdie's house. I had arrived earlier than both, but Spain came soon after.

Ohh zhank goodness. I DO NOT want to be alone with France...

"Hola, amigo! Shall we sit?"


"Okay! So tell me EVERYTHING!"




I told Antonio everything that was worth saying. And he fangirled/freaked when he heard about the curl situation.

"Hey, hombre. That's some dangerous territory."

"Ja, I know. Zhat's vhy I feel bad for it..."

"C'mon, amigo! It couldn't of been that bad, finding his enogerous zone and all... Now you know where to head first when you've got him in bed!"

"Oh mein gott, Toni!" Just then a familiar Frenchy walked in.

"Bonjour! Que faisons-nous à propos de caquet?"

"Uh... Vhat?"

"Nevermind. So what shall we do today?" Spain was giving me looks, and making gestures to France.

"Ugh Francy-pants I need to ask you somezhing." France looked up from his menu and gave a questioning look.

"How much do you love Mattie?"

"Depends. Emotionally or sexually?" He wiggled his eyebrows. Spain spit out his coffee and I slapped France."

"You know vhat I mean!"

"Okay, ouch. I don't know... I really love Mattie... fatherly I guess."

"Oh zhat makes it... vorse... I zhink." Spain was hitting his head against the table now. France raised an eyebrow.


"I uhm... may or may not... beinlovevithMattie..." Spain squeeled.

" Vous ne pouvez pas avoir mon petit Mathieu!" France tried to grab me from across the table, but failed. From what it looked like, I wasn't getting Francis' blessing any time soon...

~Time Skip~ Canada's POV

Lovi and I had gotten hungry. So we were in the kitchen thinking of something to make.

"How aboot pancakes?"

"Nah. I don't care much for pancakes."


"I grew up with Belgium's waffles. Nothing personal... but pancakes just don't appeal to me."

"Well now it is personal."


"I am sorry, Italian mister. But you are in a pancake-loving Canadian's house. If you don't eat pancakes, then we can't be friends."

"But, Mattie... are you seriously going to destroy our friendship because of some dumb food? Pancakes are just pancakes."

"Ohh no you didn't... Pancakes are way more than what you are giving them credit for. They are fluffy round pieces of heaven! They are a divine creation of celestial beings! They are comfort food! Pancakes make the world a better place!"

"But waffles are better!"

"Pffft! How, exactly?"

"Waffle cones. Waffle fries."

"Pancakes can be made into anything. Pizza, burrito, taco, burger, cake, flattened to be a crêpe... shall I go on?"

"All of that sounds gross... except the cake one. And the pancake pizza is a disgrace to pizza."

I was ready to snap...

Romano's POV (this is a 1 time thing)

I didn't get why Mattie was so angry that I liked waffles more than pancakes.

I had turned around and started to "draw" imaginary lines into his custom granite countertops. He had a very nice kitchen. It was big and bright. With custom cabinatry and counters, his kitchen was truly... beautiful.

I heard some shuffling around behind me, then Mattie began to talk... in French...

" Vous stupide, égocentrique, pays catholique voulez-à-être. Vous et votre petit cerveau italienne avez évidemment besoin de quelqu'un pour frapper un certain sens en vous. Je honnêtement surpris votre stupide petit copain espagnol n'a pas déjà ... ohh mais ne vous inquiétez pas ... je le ferai." (Use translate if you wanna know what Mattie said)

I brought my head up. "What?" I felt something big hit the back of my head. I fell to the ground and blacked out.


Fudge u lovi
fudge u waffles
Fudge u world
...... ideka

♡~virtual hugs~♡

Ps thanks for 800+ reads

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