Anger - Kalpas x Reader

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Requested by amelia-urmom.


Kalpas wasn't one to seek aid from another party. When he did, it was to either pick a fight or provoke one. Today, it was neither.

"(N/N)... is mad at you..?" Elysia blinks, stumped by this news. "Kalpas, what did you do?"

It didn't escape the pink-haired girl's perceptive eyes at your sudden withdrawal. She had presumed that you were a little under the weather, but to hear that Kalpas was the cause of your sullen mood cleared everything (and about the abnormal amount of bodies reported the past week).

Everyone at MOTH knew about how relentless you were when it came to Kalpas. Whether he liked it or not, it didn't dissuade you from your attempts to befriend him.

Which earns the question, what did Kalpas do to receive your wrath?

"... broke..."

Elysia quirked a brow at Kalpas' abnormal volume. He sounded so quiet and defeated. The second-in-command felt a pang of pity for the male. Poor Kalpas.

"I'm sorry, Kalpas. I'm afraid I can't hear you." The pink elf told her colleague truthfully. "Could you speak a little louder for me?"

The air felt frigid but the girl wasn't frightened. She didn't flinch when Kalpas began ranting to her.

"I broke something okay?! I don't understand why she's—" Elysia perk up to the mention of you. "—so mad at me?! I even offered to replace it! But she said no! That stupid, worthless, old, and rusty trinket—"


"Trinket?" Elysia chirped, silencing Kalpas. "The one with the (F/C) gem in the middle?"

The white-haired male took his time to verify Elysia's inference.

"... Yeah..." The man huffed and swished his head to the side. "I accidentally broke it..."

There was a long hush within the secluded room.

Elysia tilts her head. "Accidentally?" She echoes.

Although it was a simple word, the shorter girl asked for a more comprehensive explanation for what Kalpas meant by 'accidentally' as he so phrased it.

"... I burned it to ashes."


Of course, Elysia knew what the big deal was. That so-called 'stupid, worthless, old, and rusty trinket' was a precious gift from someone important to you who perished during the war. It only made sense as time passed on that the once luscious trinket lost its radiant hue thus earning the diction, "stupid, worthless, old, and rusty trinket".

The object itself never lost its sentimental value nor the memory it maintained. You cherished it or so you did.

Now it was demolished with nothing but cinders left to serve as a reminder of what it used to be. Elysia could only fathom how you felt. How infuriated you must have been at what Kalpas did.

"Kalpas." She calls gently. "That trinket was very important to (N/N)."

The man remained tight-lipped, his mind hanging on the word was.

"Not because of its value but because it was from someone important to her." There it was again, that detestable word that jabbed at him. "It's all she has left. If you think about it, you should understand."


"All you have left is violence. All she has left is that trinket. Learning this now, you understand her a little better, no?"

HONKAI IMPACT 3RD x FEM! READER ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now