One-sided Eternity - Su x Reader

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Requested by Vinrumis.


This was—

"Su, this is (Y/N), MOTH's newly enlisted archeologist. Her job is to study the physical remains of artifacts left by past civilizations to understand their culture. Since her field leans more towards the medical department, she'll be working in the medical division as your assistant."

—not where you wished to be at this moment.

It was not a surprise that you recover from your initial shock to introduce yourself. You were trained to be professional in even the more dire situation. This happens to be one of them.

"It's nice to meet you, Dr. Su. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." You greeted.

Standing before you was the boy whom you liked to pick on back in middle school. To be exact, you had a hobby of teasing the man, mainly because you had a crush on him. You never did have a normal way of expressing your interest in the man. Just thinking about your past made you feel awful. The two of you had lost all contact after graduation. You and Su had different dreams and goals for life so it was inevitable that the two of you parted ways. You chose to study abroad while he remained close to home.

The last thing you expected was to meet Su here. What were the chances that the boy whom you had a crush on would be your senior? This was the absolute worst thing that could have ever happened to you.

"Su, it's not like you to be quiet. Introduce yourself to the lady here."

Su remained fixated on you, giving no indication he had heard from his mentor.

"I-It's really alright, Professor Spiers. There's no need for an introduction." You hastily say.

"Nonsense." The man interjects with a stern look. He turns to his student. "Su." The male remained unresponsive causing the one-armed man to sigh. He turns to you with an apologetic look. "I apologize (Y/N). It seems that my student is not feeling very well."

"Of course." You nodded in understanding.

Su must have been surprised to see you after all these years.

"The two of you will be working together." The man held high expectations for the collaboration between his student and you. "I expect great results from the two of you."

"You won't be disappointed, Professor Spiers." You promised.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, (Y/N)." He looks at Su expectantly. "Do make sure (Y/N) gets situated. The Honkai won't wait."

"I understand." Su turns from his mentor to you. You stiffen. The man proceeds to help you settle in. "I'll give you a tour around the base."

His voice has gotten more alluring. The thought had you shaking your head, reprimanding you for your thoughts. This was not the time nor place to be gushing about your love interest.

"Y-Yes. Thank you, Dr. Su." You bowed to him, trying to hide how flustered you were. You felt feverish under Su's presence. "Please take care of me."

Is it possible for someone to become even more charming than they were years ago? The situation was getting to you. You tried to remain unnerved when you raised your head to smile at Su. The man stared at you for a few moments before swiftly turning.

"I'll help you with your things." He was already heading out the door.

"Oh! There's no need to trouble yourself, Dr. Su." You rush to stop him. "Just tell me where and I can move my stuff myself."

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