Second Chance - Kevin Kaslana x Reader

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All your life, you dedicated yourself to fighting the Honkai. It was your father, Ryoma Raiden who inspired you onto this path. When you were still deciding your future, you found out about his affiliation with Anti-Entropy and soon about the Honkai, humanity's greatest enemy. Seeing your father fight for the beauty of the world made you also want to commit your life to fighting the Honkai.

With a new unfounded passion, you decided to apply as a business major to help your father fight against the Honkai. Things turned bleak when your father was arrested. You dropped out of college and returned to Nagazora to take care of your younger sister.

Then the 2014 Honkai outbreak struck Nagazora, taking away millions of lives. With both your father and your sister gone, you became all alone. Your purpose for living seemed like a matter of choice. Was there any point? Still, you continued surviving, searching for your sister whose fate might as well be the same as all the others in this city. Regardless, you searched, no matter how pointless it seemed. Unless there was evidence that states otherwise, you will continue looking for her. During your search, you encountered a Honkai Beast. You were assured of your death until—

A man with white hair stuck the beast down.

That was when you met him—Kevin Kaslana, the founder of World Serpent, your savior.


When you woke up, you were greeted by the sight of blue skies. Slowly you rose and were soon sitting up, hazy. Your eyes scan their surroundings and found debris everywhere. Furniture was knocked down, broken if not intact with a few scratches like a storm had hit. The roof of your house was gone.

"What happened?" You asked yourself.

Your mind began to pull out memories from before your blackout. That's right. Debris had hit you. The impact had caused you to lose unconscious, explaining your blackout, but then what about your house? What rendered it to this sorry state? A storm perhaps? But then the city would have been warned.

"I should go outside to find someone."

You stood up. Someone was bound to know what has happened. There was also Mei. Mei! You rushed to the door and swung it open and were met with the disturbing sight. Outside your door was a ruined city. It was almost like a catastrophe had struck out of fiction, but this wasn't fiction. It was real and what you were seeing was the truth. What happened? Is everyone dead? You swallowed and continue to move forward despite your fear. You had to find Mei and get out of this place. Who knows what lurks within the rubble?


Something stood behind a destroyed building, casting a shadow. You instantly approach the person. As you come closer, you realize that it was not a person, but a strange beast with glowing marks. Its size was intimidating and surpasses almost the height of buildings. You stepped back from the thing but ended narrowly dodging an attack from the beast. Its blade-like arm had nicked a part of your arm, leaving a cut in its wake. Red spudded out from where the monster had cut, but no pain was registered. You didn't detect it as strange as you were more preoccupied with the beast before you. Still, your hand held the cut to stop the bleeding.

"What was that? Is it some sort of lab experiment that has gone wrong?" You asked as you ran.

The thing soon had you cornered and you could only press yourself against the wall. Your hand tightly clutches over your injury. At that moment, your mind flashes a picture of your sister. Tears welled up in your eyes.

HONKAI IMPACT 3RD x FEM! READER ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now