The Future Is Not So Bleak Anymore - Kalpas x Reader

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Requested by amelia-urmom.


"And this is your room. Let us know if you need anything. We're more than happy to provide."

"I appreciate the thought, but you've given me more than enough." You paused for a moment before turning to the pink-haired girl. "Thank you, Elysia."

"There's no need to thank me. I told you already, we're friends and friends help each other."

Elysia truly has a heart of gold. Sometimes you feel like you were taking advantage of her kindness.

"Still, I'd like to express my gratitude towards you." The next few words were more for yourself than for her. "Without you, I'm not sure where I would be."

You would've been homeless had Elysia not stepped in. The thought unsettled you more than you liked, but you forced yourself to keep a strong front. You didn't want to bother Elysia with such trivial matters.

"(Y/N)." She takes your hands in hers. With a tender voice, she said to you, "The Golden Courtyard will always be your home."

Her eyes, which were full of conviction, convinced you of her word's sincerity which in turn, made you teary. You had to fight back from breaking down before her.

"Thank you." You whispered.

Elysia smiled and you thought about how lucky you were to have a kind and considerate friend. If only the world had more people like her. Then maybe, the world would be a kinder place.

"I'll help you unpack your things tomorrow." The pink-haired girl said. "For now, try and get some sleep."

"Alright." You smiled. "Goodnight, Elysia."

"I think you mean, "Goodnight Ellie!" Isn't that right?" She asked with her hands on her hip.

You couldn't help but laugh. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ellie."

"Make sure to get lots of rest." She reminds.

"I will."

You'll do your best to repay her for her kindness.


You woke up at the crack of dawn feeling rather parched so you decided to head down to the kitchen for a glass of water. On your way there, you bumped into a human-sized cat who seemed to be busy ransacking the kitchen of its necessities. You blinked and proceeded to rub the sleep off your eyes, thinking that maybe your mind was playing tricks on you. But you soon learn that it wasn't a figment of your imagination. There is indeed a cat raiding the kitchen, blissfully unaware of your presence. Have you stumbled upon a thief? No, wait. This person might be a resident. Should you call out to them then?

"Um, excuse me?" You asked in a nervous tone.

The cat's reaction was not what you expected. Just a few words had the feline screaming at the top of her lungs, nearly deafening you. Her volume worried you as you're sure other tenants were still sleeping. You quickly shush the girl. She immediately clamped both paws to her mouth. The two of you waited to see if anyone had been notified by the sound. Time passed and it became clear that no one had heard anything. Both you and the thief let out a sigh of relief. The feline turned to you, wearily.

"You're not Kalpas." She started. "Who are you?"

"I'm (Y/N), the new tenant." You explained. "I just moved in."

The feline seemed less scared of you after hearing that.

"Oh, you should've said so sooner. I'm Pardofelis. You can just call me Pardo or Felis. Either is fine." She moved on to her next inquiry. "You just moved in?"

HONKAI IMPACT 3RD x FEM! READER ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now