Girlfriend - Kalpas x Reader

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Requested by skipper201.


"I heard from Elysia that you had a girlfriend."


It all started with a simple conversation with a particular pink elf.

"If there's one person who could calm Kalpas that would be (N/N)." Elysia had said when they were discussing the man's temper. "One hug is all it takes for Kalpas to become a big boy."

Mei was doubtful. "Is it really possible to calm Kalpas?"

"If it's (N/N) then it's possible." Elysia insists, "After all, she's his girlfriend."

And that's how Mei ended up here.

"Your girlfriend," Mei repeats. "I heard that she has a sim here as well."

"So what?"

"May I meet her?"


It didn't surprise Mei that she received instant disapproval from Kalpas. Unlucky for him, she wasn't the type to give up.

"What rank is she?"

"None of your business. Scram, Herrscher."

Mei could tell that if she budged anymore a fight would occur so she decides to leave the conversation at that to regroup.


"It's no surprise he didn't allow you to meet her. Kalpas is very protective of (N/N)." Elysia said once Mei relay what had happened.

"Is it really necessary?" Mei found it a bit excessive.

"To him, yes. Kalpas may act like he doesn't care but he cares deeply for his comrades." Elysia told with a charismatic smile. "He would lay his life down if it's to protect his friend."

"I'm guessing that (N/N) is just a nickname you gave for Kalpas' girlfriend."

"Uh-huh. Her actual name is (Y/N) (L/N), the 14th Flame-chaser." Elysia told. "Don't let her rank fool you. She can go up against Kalpas. That's how their love story started."

Mei raised a brow. "If she's as strong as Kalpas, why is she ranked last?"

"Although she's able to put up a decent fight against Kalpas, her expertise is more suitable off the field than on," Elysia explained.

"I see." Mei understands what Elysia was getting at. "What is her occupation in MOTH?"

Elysia was bouncing with excitement like she had been waiting forever for Mei to ask that question.

"She's our mediator of course!"


When Mei finally met you it was when you were with Kalpas which wasn't ideal as the male has expressed his condemnation about the Herrscher meeting you. However, she bared in mind what Elysia had said about you being a mediator. And so when she heard Kalpas accompanied by an unfamiliar voice at the lounge, Mei did not hesitate to walk in despite Kalpas being there. She was surprised to see you sitting on Kalpas' lap without a hint of embarrassment or struggle. His arms were around you and his head was on your shoulder. You looked so small compared to the inhumanly sized MANTIS. Her heels clack against the floor drawing both the MANTISes' attention. When Kalpas realized it was Mei, he glared at her from beneath his mask. His arms tighten around you notably. The temperature of the lounge rises but you remain unfazed. You merely raised a comforting hand to his arm and kept your composure as the Herrscher walks towards the two of you.

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