Let's Start Over - Pardofelis x Reader

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Requested by MaTcHu0210.


You recognize the girl who lay on the cold floor. It was hard not to when she was the sim who you spent the most time with. Especially when she was the one who stole your heart.

"Pardo? Pardo!" You rush towards the feline, taking the petite girl into your arms gently. "Pardo? What's wrong?"

Pardofelis turns her head to you. The sight of the feline's tears was enough to gain your entire focus. She opened her mouth, but no words escaped their restraint. You can see that she was in shock, most likely from what had happened to her. You shouldn't have left her by herself. You grew increasingly concerned for Pardofelis when you noticed her form twitching in and out of focus. It took a while before the girl could regain her voice.

"(Y/N)..." Her voice sounded weak.

It became apparent to you how dire her condition is. Still, you held onto that small sliver of hope in your heart. From the corner of your eyes, you see the feline trying to lift her hand to you. You reach out and take her hand into your own. Her fingers slither past the gaps between your fingers and onto the other side. You squeezed, telling Pardofelis that you were there as she tries to speak to you. Only whimpers came out of her lips, but still, you continue to hold onto her.

"(Y/N)..." You squeezed her hand again, informing the dying girl that you heard her. "The person—"

"Don't talk." A whine slips past your lips at the painstaking noise that escapes the brown-haired girl. "I know. I know." You don't know what you were affirming. "Just... don't talk. We'll get you to Su, then—"

Even you knew you were lying. Su can't save her, no one can. Still, you hoped. You hoped for some sort of miracle to happen. It never did. You helplessly watch as your love's life slips away. Guilt riddled every crevice of your body, whispering to you how you were unable to appease Pardofelis' pain even when she needed it most.

You involuntarily began to tremble which the girl notice. With the last bit of strength she has, Pardofelis squeezed your intertwined hand.

"(Y/N)." You look at her. "I'm scared."

Her words pulled at your heartstrings.

"Me too." You squeezed her hand back and force a smile on your face. "Don't worry, Mei and I will find a way to save all of you. We just need..."

Your resolve didn't come through in the form of words. You were overwhelmed by the truth. The knowledge that Pardofelis was going to die weighed your very soul.

The MANTIS could see how upset you were. She felt responsible for your crumbling state. It wasn't death that scared her. No. It was the hanging fact that when she closed her eyes, she will never see your beloved face again.

"(Y/N)... I'm sorry..."

Your eyes widened. There was a loud crack before the weight in your arms vanish. The MANTIS' body shattered into pieces of data—pieces you were unable to piece. Your hands reach for the disappearing shards. They merely turn into dust. The strong front you put on cracked as one tear fell. Then another until streams were pouring from your eyes.

Pardofelis was dead.

The arms that held the sim now comforted you as you sobbed for the deceased MANTIS.

HONKAI IMPACT 3RD x FEM! READER ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now