Star-Crossed Lovers - Kevin Kaslana x Reader

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Requested by Ahri_Yuki.


It was a moonlit night when they met. Many had come to attend Tradition Night so it was a full house. A boy is seen walking awkwardly through the mass. His name is Kevin, MOTH's newest recruit and top soldier. The boy was trying to locate a certain purple-haired acquaintance in the crowd. He has yet to locate her. Kevin chided himself for taking his eyes off of her because it was his carelessness that was the cause of this whole mess.

Then there was a (H/C)-haired server. The woman stopped a few times to offer a guest a drink. It was then the white-haired male noticed her. She had just finished offering a glass of champagne to a young man when he saw her. Kevin proceeded to walk towards the departing girl, wanting to ask if she had seen his acquaintance when the girl tripped. A noise of alarm escaped her lips and the soldier sprang into action. He quickly extends a hand out to catch the descending girl, looping his arm below her waist. The wobbling plate was saved thanks to the girl's quick reflexes. He helps the stranger up. His hands remained on her shoulders as he assess the situation.

"Are you alright?" His cerebrum blue eyes immediately scan her figure for any injuries.

Kevin was relieved to find none.

The stranger smiles and rests a hand over her chest. "I'm fine. Thank you for helping me out."

Her smile made his heart pound. The hands of the woman's shoulders tighten. If the stranger had noticed, she did not react. Quickly, he regains his composure.

"Y-Yeah..." He quickly pulled away from the woman and cleared his throat before asking her. "You're not hurt anywhere?"

"I'm okay. It would have been awful if I had fallen." The girl said to the soldier. She then analyzed the white-haired boy from head to toe, placing a finger up to her chin thoughtfully. "Are you perhaps... Kevin?"

He was surprised. "You know me?"

The girl graces Kevin with a bright smile. "Of course. Who wouldn't know the soldier who surpasses Elysia, our top member? You're practically a hero. We're lucky to have such a skilled individual during times like this. It's no surprise you've become MOTH's top soldier." It took Kevin a second to realize she was looking at him. His cheeks flushed, embarrassed at being stared at so intensely. Almost as if she could sense his embarrassment, the girl peeled her eyes away and met his gaze. Her face still adorning the same smile as before. "I met many outstanding warriors on the battlefield, but never one that compares to you. Based on your figure and your reflexes, could you have been... an athlete?"

Kevin scratched his head, shyly.

"I played basketball when I was a student." He looks at the woman. "And you?"

"I'm afraid I didn't do much extracurricular." The woman replied. "So I'm not as outstanding as you."

He laughs. "You're already outstanding. I never met a person like you."

The woman misinterpreted his words. "No one praises you for your contributions?"

Kevin found it cute that you were upset on his behalf.

"What I meant is that I never met a person like you."

"I take that as a compliment. If you enjoy my company then you'll certainly enjoy Ellie's. She's fun to be around. I mentioned her before. Her name is Elysia, but she prefers people to call her Ellie." The girl told. "The two of you would get along well as you are both outstanding combatants. You should meet her."

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