A Spark to Light the Trailblaze - Himeko Murata x Reader

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Written by MaTcHu0210.


(Continuation to "Broken Promises and a Shattered Blade")

Breath in...Breath out...

Breath in...Breath out...

You hold your chest tightly, feeling your heart racing against your chest. A drop of sweat runs down your face as you close your eyes.

You take your phone out and look at yourself on its camera. You fix your makeup and make sure your short, dark-purple hair is straightened out.

You close your phone and rest it on your chest as you look up. "Calm down, everything will be fine—! It's just a simple meetup..."

You sigh. "With her..."

You fix your hair again as you continue thinking to yourself, "Gosh it's been so long since I saw her..."

You look at your hand, a scar on your arm from the Honkai Infection still visibly showing under your skin. You pull the sleeve of your leather jacket over the scar, hiding it as you recall those bad days.


Your heart stops, dead in its tracks. You stomach sinks as you turn to the voice that called your name. A voice you are all too familiar with.

Deep red hair, bright orange eyes that shined like gold, and crimson red lipstick...


She was the exact same person she was when you were still rookie Valkyries.

She's as beautiful as the day you left her...

Himeko chuckles nervously. "Hi...Sorry, I may not look my best, I didn't know what to wear..."

She came wearing a white turtleneck shirt, a black jacket with fur on the hood, jeans and short boot heels.

You smile, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "You look nbeautiful."

"Thanks..." Himeko says, averting her eyes as her face reddenes.

"So...where do you wanna drink...?" You ask.


They said it was over...

Kiana, all her friends, they beat Kevin.

Despite the fact that your organization was directly linked to World Serpent—and by extension, Kevin—and Project Stigma, you ordered your soldiers to assist Kiana into entering the Moon. You had also assisted the girls in fighting against some Imaginary Monsters to get to Kevin.

You knew they would have beaten Kevin since your fight with the Void Drifter. It was just a matter of when.

But now? They won.

Kiana sealed the Honkai in the Moon, keeping Earth safe and building a brighter future.

Her friends went back to living their own lives. Schicksal and Anti Entropy continued to work together under the goal of protecting humanity, even without the threat of the Honkai.

But that left you behind with...nothing.

You objected to the idea of becoming a Valkyrie in this new world. You felt that humanity deserved someone better and less broken to keep them hopeful for a brighter tomorrow.

HONKAI IMPACT 3RD x FEM! READER ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now