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Kayden POV

I heard my alarm blare in my ears and slowly sat up, looking over to my side. Luca was fast asleep but he didn't seem at ease. His body was somewhat tense and his face was stained with tear streaks. I picked up my phone and turned the alarm off, checking the time. I didn't want Luca to wake up, not yet. We were up since until atleast 2 or 3 am since he just kept getting sick. My poor baby definetley got contact high, and got the worst part of it. The clock on my phone read '7:46' so I only slept for a few hours. Today was my day off though, I'm just kinda pissed I didn't turn my alarm off last night. I guess it's explainable though, considering I had a sick boy to work with.

I need to talk to Marcus. I slid out of bed and made my way to the stairs. I don't think Luca will wake up anytime soon. I climbed up the stairs and knocked on my roommates door, taking a deep breath. The door swung open, Marcus seeming pissed.
"Can we talk?" I asked, trying to stay calm. He nodded once and stepped back, letting my walk.
"I'm sorry I blew up at you last night." I started, catching his attention.
"I just really don't know what all his trauma has to do with, and again with his parents they probably did something messed up." I explained.
"I'm sorry too.. I just wanted to give him something to do and I didn't know a Chris was gonna do that." He mumbled, only loud enough for me to hear.
"I-I heard him throwing up last night.." He said, changing the subject and making me nod.

"Yeah.. he was sick until really late." I said, not quite meeting his eyes.
"But, either way, are we good?" I asked. He nodded before agreeing. I turned and walked out down the stairs, walking into the bedroom. Luca was still sleeping so I sat down, the bed dipping under me, and slipped under the covers. I laid down and cuddled up next to him, falling back asleep.

Luca POV

I woke up, actually big for once, and stretched big. I groaned a bit and looked over Kayden's side of the bed. He was still sleeping and I rubbed my eyes. I feel alot better than last night, but I don't feel better mentally. I feel sad and gross. I slid put of the bed and shivered but brushed it off. I went to the bathroom and pissed, washing my hands and stumbling back into the bedroom. Kayden was sitting up, playing something on his phone. Did I take that long?
"Hi babes." He said, setting down his phone and reaching his arms out for me. I climbed onto his lap and layed on his chest.
"Do you know what they did with my car?" I asked him, not bothering to look up.

"I don't think the police touched anyone's vehicles. I'm pretty sure they left it be." He said, rubbing my back.
"Could we get my stuff out of it..?" I asked quietly. I wanted my clothes out of there, and I even had some little stuff there.
"Yeah, I don't mind. Do you wanna go and then get breakfast after?" Kayden questioned. I nodded a bit and mumbled 'yeah'. I got out of bed again and Kayden grabbed me socks, handing them to me and putting his own on too. I slipped my socks on and followed Kayden to the kitchen, grabbing my shoes and slipping them on. He opened the door and held it open for me, making me smile a bit.

I got into the car and buckled myself in, taking out my phone and putting the aux on. I put on Romantic Homocide by D4vd and waited for Kayden to join me in the car. He soon got it and started driving to the hotel. I felt myself tearing up at the song as it hit the best part, atleast according to me.
"And I'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive.." I mumbled along, rubbing my eyes. Kayden looked over at me for a second and I began toying with the inside of my mouth. Soon enough, the song ended and I didn't really know what I was feeling. Although, right after that one ended, Family Line by Conan Gray began playing. Fucking hell... I don't know why I didn't just change the song, maybe I just wanted to throw myself a pity party.

The song got me a few sympathetic looks from Kayden but I didn't change it. It was a good song, even if it made me sad.
"It's hard to put it into words, how the holidays will always hurt. I watch the fathers with their little girl and wonder what I did to deserve this." I quietly sang along, sinking down in my chair a bit.
"How could you hurt a little kid, I can't forget. I can't forgive you cus now I'm scared that everyone I love will leave me.." I continued quietly, debating changing the song. Is it bad this was making me miss my family..? Probably, considering that at this point I wasn't acknowledging all the shit they did. I tried to ignore all the feelings that the songs were bringing up. I sniffled a little and kept thinking.

Maybe I was just telling myself they weren't good people..? Maybe I just wasn't a good kid.. I'm probably just a fucking narcissistic little kid who can't accept that I'm not the victim. Suddenly the car stopped and it pulled me out of my thoughts. I unplugged the phone from my aux cord and got out of the car. We had parked right next to my car and I just opened the front door. I never locked it, there wasn't alot worth stealing anyways. I ulocked my trunk and opened it, pulling out my duffle bag and pulling it over my shoulder. Kayden got out of the car as I ruffled through all the shit in my trunk, not thinking I was gonna find anything but wanting to be sure. I was about to walk away until I found a lose picture. I picked it up and turned it around so I could see the picture. It was me as a little kid and my dad...

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