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Kayden POV

"Dady..!" I heard his cry. Fuck! I sat it down quick and turned to face him.
"Um.. hold on, hun." I said, grabbing my sweatpants and pulling them on before climbing on the bed.
"Cmere baby.." I mumbled, pulling him into my lap and rocking him.
"I-im a brat..?" He whispered before bursting into tears again. Oh no..
"No, Baby. Daddy's so sorry. I didn't mean it like that, I was joking." I soothed him.
"I'm so sorry, Lovely. Daddy won't ever say that again. I promise." I said, kissing his forhead.
"M-me sorry.. I didn't meen be bad." He whimpered, wiping his eyes.
"Oh, Baby.." I whispered, kissing his cheeks. "You weren't bad.. Daddy's so proud to didn't try and keep going. I so glad you told Daddy when you were all done." I praised him, remembering he was pantsless too.

"Really..?" He asked, sniffling. I nodded and reached down to grab his boxers and sat them next to him.
"You wanna get bottoms on so you aren't all nakey?" I asked, making him nod. I picked them back up and slid his legs through them, pulling them up to his waist.
"There you go! All dressed." I said, continuing to rock him. I should've know better than to call him that. He probably has a bad association with that word.
"Jupiter..?" He quietly asked, laying his head on my chest.
"Oh of course, Baby." I said, standing up with him and carrying him into the kitchen. I picked up his stuffie off the table and handed it to him, him cracking a small smile. I picked up both of our old plates and sat them on the stove before opening his sippy and setting it in the sink.

"Juice?!" He quickly asked after seeing his cup go in the sink.
"You'll have to let Daddy help you with a big boy cup, Okay?" I said, reached into the top cupboard and grabbing a plastic cup. I got them when I got his sippy for when he's big. I don't know how safe it would be for him to gave a ceramic one, or in case his sippy is dirty and tries to get a cup himself or something.
"Ya.. juice!" He exclaimed, kicking his legs. I smiled and sat the cup down, getting the juice from the fridge and pouring it into the cup. I put the juice back in the fridge and held the cup up to Luca's mouth. He opened his mouth and I tilted it a little, quickly putting it back down when he got a drink.
"More..?" He asked, reaching for it with his free hand.

"Can you say please?" I asked back.
"P-please!" He slurred, reaching for it more. I put it up to his mouth and let him have a bigger drink. That seemed to make him happy enough because he smiled and started babbling to his stuffie. I sat down the cup on the stove and carried him into the bedroom, frowning when I smelt it. It smelt like sex, if that makes sense. Luca must've noticed too because he kinda got uncomfy and tensed up. I stepped back out into the hallway, setting Luca down on his bottom.
"Hold on babes, I'm gonna make it all better." I said when he immediately tried to stand up and reach for me again. I opened the window so it could air out a bit and took the sheets, blankets, and pillow cases off the bed. Luca watched me, confused as I carefully stepped past him and into the kitchen. I put them in the washer before putting in soap and starting it.

"Sleep..?" He asked as I walked back to him.
"I'm gonna get clean ones to sleep on, Bubby." I said, picking him up and bringing over to the hallway closet. I opened it, grabbing what I took off the bed but this set had little boats on them. Luca was very interested. I cautiously stepped into the bedroom, smelling a big difference. I sat Luca down on the floor while I put on the fitted sheet, him clinging to my leg the whole time. I put the pillows in cases and spread out the comforter over the bed. Luca yawned and rubbed his eyes while I picked him up.
"Ready for beddy bye?" I asked, patting his back. He nodded so I turned off the lights and laid him down. I went to go turn on his nightlight, him sitting up and whining when I stepped away. He's been loving the color yellow for his night light, so I left it where it was at and walked back over to the bed. I picked up my clean boxers from the floor and covered Luca's eyes.

"Close your eyes, okay?" I said and he nodded so I gently pulled my hand away before swapping my sweats for boxers.
"All done, Babes." I said, climbing into bed with him. I slipped under the covers and he quickly cuddled up to me.
"Beddy bye." He said, kissing my cheek.
"Good night, hun." I said, laying my head on his.

I woke up and sat up against the headboard, stretching big. Luca shifted, snuggling up to me again. He's so cute.. I reached down and scratched his head, waking him up. He stared at me confused but not mad.
"Aw, sorry Babes. You looked so cute." I apologized before he sat up.
"Jacob's gonna come watch you and I asked him to get you another paci. A sippy if you find one, but definetley a paci." I said as he crawled into my lap. He leaned up and pecked my lips.
"I guess I'll get dressed." He groaned, getting out of bed.
"Cute ass." I said as he got up. He turned and stared at me for a second before getting into his clothes, making me smile. Embarrassed little thing. I got out of bed as well and got out my other uniform, the office gave us two. One to wear while we wash the other.

I quickly changed, turning back around to see Luca messing with the buttons on his overalls.
"C'mere babes." I said, buttoning my pants. He pouted and waddled over to me, dropping his hands by his side. I clicked both straps into place and kissed his cheek.
"You look nice, love." I mumbled, pulling him into a hug.
"Lemme tell Jacob we're up and he can go ahead and come over." I said, more to myself than anything, and pulled out my phone.

'Hey, we're both us so ur good 2 come over and watch him' -Kay

'Alr, I'll be there in like 20-30 minutes'- Jacob◇

I put my phone back in my pocket and Luca eventually pulled away.
"I'm gonna miss you.." He mumbled.
"But I also like Jacob. He's nice."
"I know you will, babes. But I'm glad we found you a baby sitter you can get alone with." I said, tilting his head up at me. I rubbed his temples and he leaned into my touch.
"M sleepy.." He whined, struggling to keep his eyes open.
"You wanna go back to bed?" I quietly asked.
"Beddie bye.." He mumbled.
"Aw, you're little?" I asked, already knowing the asnwer. He nodded and rubbed his face. I picked him up and laid him down in bed, covering his with the comforter. He pouted and reached for me so I sat down on the edge of the bed, scratching his head while he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. He can't be comfy sleeping in overalls.

Luca POV

I shifted and turned over on the bed, opening my eyes and stretching. I didn't feel Dady. I quickly sat up and didn't see him. I pouted and slid out of bed, stepping out to the hallway.
"Hi, Bubby." Someone said. But it wasn't Dady. I looked over to the living and say Jacob, putting his phone in his pocket. I whined and toddled over to him.
"Hi hi.." I mumbled, clinging onto his shirt. He picked me up and tossed me in the air making me giggle.
"Dady go work?" I asked, hugging Jacob close.
"Yeah, he went to work, Hun. But your Dady said we gotta go get you another Paci." He said, rubbing my back. Oh yeah, he did tell me that.

"Go store..?" I asked, swinging my leggies. I really wanna get out of the house.
"We can go to the store, hun. Let's get your shoes on." He said, bringing me to the kitchen and setting me down at the table. He grabbed my chunky sneakers and untied them, putting them on my feet and then tying them for me. I stood up and clung to him so I didn't fall. He held out his hand to me and I took it, waddling out to the car with him.

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