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I kicked my feet as Jacob turned off he car and got out.
"Help.." I whined, trying to unbuckle myself but couldn't. He opened my door and unbuckled me. I hopped out of the car and clung onto Jacob's hand while he guided me into the store and down to the baby aisle. There was a light blue, silicone paci that had a paci clip with it. I need it.. I whined and caught Jacob's attention.
"Which one?" He quietly asked, rubbing my back. I stood on my tippy toes and picked it up, showing it to Jacob.
"Aw that one's cute. We can get that one." He said, making me smile. I really like this one.. I stimmed and let Jacob take it.
"C'mon." He said, gently pulling my hand. I followed behind him and heard people really close behind us, I could hear them whispering.

"Yeah, he's hot. I'd hit that." One of them said. I ignored it, telling myself they were talking about someone else.
"I'll give you a 10 if you grab his ass. He'd probably be into it, he seems gay." The other one said. Okay that scared me. I tried to walk faster but couldn't really, I tripped a bit and fell into Jacob's side.
"You okay?" He asked, stopping and pulling my to the side of the walkway. I felt someone grab my ass as they walked by, making my cling to Jacob. I tried not to start crying and held him close.
"The fuck are people's problem.." He mumbled, hugging me.
"Walk next to me." He said as I pulled away from him. I took his hand and did my best to keep up as he took me to the self check out. He payed with the same card Dady uses and put it in a bag. He grabbed my hand, taking me back out to the car.

"I wan Dady.." I whined as he buckled me in.
"I know, Bubbs. It's only noon, though." He said, scratching my head. My lip quivered and tears filled my eyes as he closed the car door.
"Dady!!" I cried out as Jacob got in the car.
"Do you wanna call Daddy?" He asked, making me nod alot.
"Wan Dady!" I exclaimed, wiping the tears that fell. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and clicked on Dadys name in his contacts. It rang a few times before he answered.
"Hello?" He asked as Jacob pulled out of the parking lot.
"Dady! I miss you.." I whined, trying not to start crying again.
"Aw, Baby. Dady misses you too. I just went on my break so I've got half an hour to talk." He said, calming me a bit.
"Hey, I know you're probably in a good mood but some 2 dudes in the store grabbed Luca's ass." Jacob said, pulling to a stop at the red light.

There was a moment of silence before he flipped out.
"What the hell?!" He exclaimed, making the people waiting on the light next to us, look over. He  quickly rolled up the window before talking again.
"Yeah, we just left. I was gonna try and find him that thing you asked for but..." He said, trailing off and being super vague. What thing? I don't even care right now, I'll ask later if I remember.
"Okay, I'm gonna see how early I can get out. I'm gonna try and be home soon, but I can't promise." Dady said, starting his car and the light turned green.
"Alright man, we'll see you later." Jacob said, zooming through the light.
"See you. Bye, Luca. I love you, Baby." Dady said, making my tummy flutter.
"Bye Dady! I luv you!" I shouted, feeling so much better than I did minutes ago.

I chewed and sucked on my paci while Jacob swapped through channels. He just woke me up early from my nap a couple minutes ago. When I complained and asked why he said it was because it was getting late and if I didn't get up now, I wouldn't sleep tonight. I don't know what time it is now though. I scratched my nose and heard the door open, making me hop up real quick. I glancedd up at Jacob and he just smiled at me, confusing me more. I peeked down the hallway and into the kitchen, seeing Dady, setting down a plastic shopping bag.
"Dady!" I shouted, running down the hallway and into his arms.

"Hi baby!" He exclaimed, picking me up and kissing my cheek. I smiled and cuddled him, Jacob walking into the kitchen. They started talking and I stora zoned out, suddenly feeling something I couldn't describe. It like I was sad but I didn't have any reason to be. My smiled quickly faded while I blankly stared, thinking. I don't feel little anymore. Just empty.(?) I don't know if that's the right word. I feel like nothing can make me feel better and it's not even like I had something happen. So why do I feel like this? I've just got a feeling something's gonna happen.
"Luca!" Someone shouted, bringing me back into the moment.
"Sorry.." I mumbled, realizing I was staring dead on at Jacob.
"I gotta get going, Leah's waiting for me to get back." He said, making me nod.
"Bye. Was good seeing you." I said, half-heartedly.

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