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Luca POV

I woke up big and didn't see Kayden anywhere. I pouted and slid out of bed, shivering, and dug through my basket for sweatpants. I found some and put them on real quick before walking out to look for him. I was still kinda shaking even though I had my jacket on from last night too. I peeked into the kitchen and I didn't see him there. I bathroom door was completley open and no one was in it so I went into the living room and saw Marcus laying on the couch, watching some TLC type show. I walked around the couch and sat on the end where he wasn't laying on before pulling my legs up to my chest and rubbing over them.
"Are you good?" Marcus looked over and asked.
"It's cold as fuck." I mumbled, making him chuckle.
"I'd turn up the thermostat but Kayden freaks when I do, he loves the house cold. Once he gets home and sees you shivering he'll turn it up though." He said, sitting up and going to change the chanel.

"You don't gotta change it for me." I said, pulling back my hair into an Itty bitty pony tail and pulling my hood up. My hair was basically an overgrown mullet, but it's kinda hot in an goth boy way.
"I probably should," He said, smiling.
"The people say some fucked up stuff." That made me smile a bit. He was being considerate of my feelings!
"Oh my God! Have you seen Dance Moms?!" He asked, suddenly enthused. I shook my head a bit and he quickly scrolled down the TV to find it.
"It's so funny. It's a bunch of middle aged white moms yelling at a stupid ass dance teacher. And then Holly. We love Holly." He said, turning it on and sitting back.
"It feels like you could keep a whole dead body in here." I mumbled, begining to shake harder.
"I'm texting Kayden and turning it up." Marcus decided, whipping out his phone and typing for a bit. He tossed his phone on the couch as he got up and went to the hallway, messing with I assume the thermostat.

He came back and plopped back onto the couch.
"Where is Kayden?" I asked, sticking my hands in my jacket.
"Work, I think. I don't know his exact schedule but he almost always works on Wednesdays." He said, making me frown a bit. Why didn't he wake me up to say bye? Maybe he was just in a hurry and woke up late or something.
"Are you hungry? Kayden said to make sure you ate something before he got back." He asked, about to get up.
"I-I mean not really, but I could eat if you were gonna make something." I answered, scratching my head. He nodded and shifted into the couch more.
"Is it alright if I make lunch in like an hour? It's already 11 so I figured we'd wait a bit, and since you aren't hungry." He said. I nodded and shifted on the couch. I know Kayden's gotta work but I miss him.

"By the way, I'm sorry about my friends the last time we were together. I didn't think they were gonna smoke with you, and I didn't expect Chris to get pissy." He said, turning the show down a bit.
"Oh, it's okay! I figured you didn't mean to." I said, trying to make him feel a bit better. He smiled and turned the show back up. I got up and grabbed my phone from the bedroom and walked back to the living room and Marcus was on the phone. I stood in the door way, not wanting to interrupt and also not wanted to listen to his conversation. Though, I couldn't help but overhear him talking about me.
"Yeah, the anorexic woke up a bit ago and he went to go do something. I don't know and I don't really care." He said to whoever he was on the phone with. I don't know why but that hurt.. it really did. I turned around and ran into the bedroom, gently closing the door behind me.

I sat on the floor and whimpered, trying not to cry.
"Don't fuckung cry that's all you do..." I whispered, leaning into the corner and banged my head off the wall hard.
"Why the fuck would you think someone would get along with you? How are you surprised he doesn't Ike you?" I asked myself, quietly. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I let them fall. I shakily stood up and grabbed my cigarettes off the dresser. I'm thankful Kayden hasn't thrown them away yet. I grabbed my wallet and checked for my ID and how much money I had. It was like $26 and some change. I shoved it in my pocket along with my cigarettes and my lighter. I wiped the tears away and walked out of the house, phone in my hand. I'm going to the gas station, I need more cigarettes cus I'm running out and the gas station it just down the road. Like, not even a mile.

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