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Luca POV

When I woke up, I really wasn't feeling it. Or anything for that matter. I didn't feel like being little, I didn't want to go anywhere, I didn't want to get out of bed. Hell, I didn't want to fucking wake up. I would've rather just slept straight through today. When I woke up Kayden was up and scrolling on his phone. He probably just recently woke up. I sat up and groaned but didn't lay back down.
"Morning, Hun." He said, setting down his phone.
"Morning.." I mumbled, cuddling up to him. He kissed my cheek before standing up and stretching.
"Do you wanna eat breakfast?" Kayden asked.
"Not really.." I mumbled, shaking my head and realizing I still had my paci clipped on from last night.

"Well, at some point I'm gonna need you to eat. Okay? He asked. I weakly nodded and didn't really look at him while I unlicpped it and sat it on the nightstand.
"I gotta get your pull ups in a little. Just so you know. I figured I'd pick them up before you went to Jacob's incase of an accident." He explained. I wasn't paying super close attention, but I got the overall jist of it.
"So, you gotta get dressed. I could help you." He offered as I slid out of bed. I shook my head and grabbed the first outfit I saw.
"Alright, Hun." He said while I walked dinto the bathroom. I threw on the clean pair of boxers, the black sweatpants, and the red t-shirt. It didn't look bad but I also didn't fucking try at all. I staggered into the bedroom and glanced down at my arm. It was getting red around the edges of them and I didn't know of that's how it was supposed to look. So naturally I asked Kayden.
"Hey, does my arm look normal?" I asked, holding out my arm to him. He gently grabbed the bottom of it and held it while he stared.

"It doesn't look... gross. But it doesn't look perfect, so I think changing the bandaids and putting neosporin on it." I nodded and yawned, making Kayden smile.
"Oh, you sleepy little boy.." He mumbled. I cracked a small smile and climbed into his lap. Scratch what I said earlier, I wanna be little. I wanna be babied.
"Lemme get your shoes on..." Kayden mumbled, getting up and grabbing a pair of socks before carrying me with him into the kitchen. I giggled and held onto him while he grabbed my sneakers. He slipped on my sockies and then my shoes, tying them in bunnies ears.
"There we go!" He exclaimed, setting me on my feet. I wobbled and held onto Dady while he put his own on.

"Alright, lemme change the bandages before we leave." He said once he was done. He walked to the bathroom and I followed him, somewhat struggling to keep up. Dady picked me up and sat me on the sink before grabbing the cleaner that bubbled, more bandages he cut into buttefflies, and the Neosporin thingy he was talking about earlier.
"I'm gonna take one off and see how it does. Like see if it opens or not, cause it's stabbed up but I don't know how thick they are." He said, more to himself than me, and then gently peeling up one bandage.

It kinda tugged at my scab when it came off but it didn't hurt too bad. He doused it in hydrogen peroxide and let it bubble for a second before patting it dry. He put antibiotic on the cute and put the bandages over before kissing all over my face.
"All done, Cutie." He said, pulling away.
"Jupiter..?" I quietly asked. Dady said last night after we got my pull ups, I had to go to Jacob's. And that means Jupiter.
"Yes, love. You'll get Jupiter." He said as he helped me from the sink.

I babbled and waited for Dady to let me out of the car. I don't know what he was waiting for but Dady didn't get out yet. He groaned and unbuckled me and himself. I looked at him weird but got out and followed him to to the front door. Dady knocked and soon Jacob opened the door.
"Jupiter?" I asked immediately. He giggled and opened the door farther for us.
"Hello to you too. I'll go get him." He said, letting us in and walking away. I followed Dady inside and he leaned against the wall. I grabbed his hand and rocked on my feet, trying my very best to be patient.
"Here you go, Hun." Jacob said, walking back into the kitchen and holding him out to me. I quickly took him and hugged him close.
"M sorry, Jupiter.. I loveies you.." I whispered, holding him tight.

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