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[Luca POV]

I tried to be good and wait for him, so I picked up around the house while they were gone. I swept and cleaned the trash off the table. I only moved wrappers or empty cups cause I didn't want to accidentally move something Spade needed. I didn't know what else I was allowed to do so I sat down at the dinner table and put my head down. I don't want to eat, I want Jacob. I don't want to take a shower, I don't want to get ready for bed, I don't want to distract myself. I just want Jacob. When I heard a car drive unto the driveway, my head shot up, and I tried to stay at the table so I didn't overwhelm him when he came in the door. Maybe he'll notice what I did and not be mad anymore. He opened the door with a drink in his hand, it was a glass bottle but I didn't pay attention to it. I was more caught off guard by what he was saying.

"No, I don't want to see him. I'm done at this point, he just pisses me off," He complained. I tried to tell myself that he wasn't talking about me, but it hurt regardless. I don't think he'll notice me if I don't talk and if I did talk he wouldn't want to anyways. I think he was drinking something alcoholic. He still hadn't looked at me when he kissed Spade. It wasn't making out or anything, but it was on the cheek, almost the mouth. I couldn't help the tears that ran down my face as I slipped into little space. I'm not good with strong emotions, and I'm not any better when I'm little but I can't help when I slip because of them.

"Papa...?" I quietly cried, starting to shiver. I feel so cold all of a sudden. I know it might not mean anything big, but he looked like he meant it.
"I love you too," He told me, apparently oblivious to my feelings. He leaned down and kissed me next, but I pulled away and put my head in my hands.
"You don mean it anymore," I mumbled, trying to stop crying.
"Jacob, why don't you go to bed?" Spade offered and Papa did. He definitely likes Spade more than me.
"Come here, Lukie," He gently told me as he sat next to me at the table. I didn't move and just kept crying. I don't know what to do to stop. He pulled me into his lap and I let him. I'm okay with anything lovey-dovey right now.
"Does Papa hate me...?" I quietly asked.
"No, of course, he loves you. He does that a lot, kisses on the cheek, with everyone," He soothed me.

It didn't make me feel a whole lot better, but it was a little bit of hope.
"Are you hungry?" He asked, scratching my head. I shook my head a little. I don't wanna eat anything, I want Papa. He sighed and kissed my forehead before standing up.
"Then let's get you in bed, yeah?" He suggested. I just let him carry me and set me in bed next to Papa who was somehow already asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Jacob was awake and seemed a little anxious. I don't know why I woke up big, but that's what happened and I think he could tell.
"Babe, can I talk to you?" He asked after a little bit of me laying still with my eyes open after I woke up.
"Mhm, yeah," I agreed, rubbing my face.
"Well, I'm sorry last night I got mad at you. I was overwhelmed from getting all our stuff from Kaydens and it wasn't your fault. I'm sorry and next time I'm gonna tell you I'm overwhelmed instead of just brushing you off, okay?" He apologized. I almost didn't need to think about it. I don't think he wanted to hurt my feelings and his apology sounded really genuine.
"I forgive you," I told him first. I wanna make sure he knows I'm not upset about last night before I ask him something else.
"Do you kiss a lot of your friends on the cheek?" I asked, looking up at him.
"I mean it's not uncommon, I do it pretty regularly I'd say," He answered, taking a second to think about it.
"Mkay," I said, standing up from the bed and starting to look through the mostly unsorted boxes.

I knew one of them had my clothes in it so I was looking in there.
"Whatcha need?" Jacob asked, rolling onto his belly.
"I want some type of shorts cause it's getting hot again outside," I filled him in before finding a pair of regular black shorts. They weren't booty shorts, but they didn't go past my fingertips. I picked them up and a tank top with somewhat thick straps then socks and boxers.
"If I get dressed in here will you close your eyes?" I asked Jacob, turning around to look at him. He pouted but covered them anyways as I stripped down my dirty bottoms.
"Why do I have to cover my eyes? You don't like me?" He asked, smiling.
"I like you plenty, but I didn't want my dick on display," I replied, slipping on my new boxers and shorts.
"Aww, that's a shame," He teased me as I took off my shirt.
"Well, if you're dying to see me half naked I have pants on now," I offered.
"The fun parts over?" He asked, uncovering his eyes. I smiled a little and nodded, pulling the shirt over my head.

I sat on the bed and put on my ankle socks before flopping back onto the bed.
"It's too early, you don't even work today," I complained as he pulled me closer.
"We do have to go through the boxes, at least get some stuff into the actual dresser," He informed me. I groaned but got up and opened the other few boxes. I heard Jacob get up and saw him sit next to me, starting to sort through the box in front of him. It was getting too quiet so I put on music, particularly TV Girl. My first box was only clothes, both mine and his, so it was pretty boring. But I did notice a couple of things I was probably gonna steal from his drawers to wear at some point. However, the TV Girl naturally changed into Hands Up by kets4eki. Probably cause the song is getting kinda big online. It starts so great so, of course, I sang along quietly without thinking about it.
"Hey scene slut, Im still cutting tonight. That's why my wrists are so sore. I know you got a boyfriend, but you're a whore. E-e-everybody drinking, shot glasses on the floor," It went, which grabbed Jacob's attention.

"You have something you wanna tell me?" He asked, smiling a little.
"Always, but you don't get to know," I told him, trying not to giggle. It's funny to me when I'm confident like that.
"Yeah, we're popping the bottles. And two more shots imma pour. For you, I'm a whore! We love money galore!" I quickly finished before starting to fold shirts again. Jacob kissed the top of my head and let me continue, getting back to his box.

"Ow! How do you get cut on cardboard?!" Jacob shouted, looking at his hand and making me shrug.
"You want me to kiss it better?" I asked, somewhat sarcastically.
"Actually I would, I'd love that," He told me. I kept my word and kissed his hand, around where he got hurt.
"It feels better now, look at you. A doctor in the making," He teased me as I moved on to my second box. On top was a little necklace with a star charm on it that I happened to have been missing for a couple months.
"Oh my God, where did you find this?" I asked, picking it up and showing Jacob.
"On the bathroom sink, Kayden said it wasn't his so I figured it was yours," He told me after looking at it for a second.
"Kinda wondered where that went, but not enough to look for it," I explained. After a little bit more digging I found a thong.
"What's this?" I asked, holding it up to him.
"A present from a friend," He said, his face getting a little brighter. "It was for my birthday and they got me it as a joke," He continued to explain.
"Damn, I was hoping to see you in it," I said, pretending to be disappointed.
"You could wear it and I wouldn't complain," He said.

"I don't have the ass for it, it looks weird." I honestly told him, tossing them onto his pile of clothes.
"Says who? Cause sure as hell ain't me," He replied, that little twang coming into his voice. I love when his accent comes out, I think it's charming.
"Says me," I told him.
"You ever tried one?" He asked, getting me to shake my head a little confused. Where's he going with this?
"Exactly, so how would you know unless you tried it?" He suggested. I sighed and stood up.
"If I do it will you let me go through the other box too?" I asked. I wanna look through it and be nosey.
"Anything it takes," He told me, trying to hide how big his smile was.
"Close your eyes then, I'll tell you when you can look," I agreed. I kinda want to now, he's very persuasive. He quickly shut his eyes so I pulled down my shorts and boxers, replacing them with the thong. It wasn't a g-string, but I had to mess with the front of it to make it sit how I think it was supposed to.
"I guess you can look now," I finally told him, getting more self-conscious by the second.

After a couple of seconds passed, he spoke up.
"Fuck, Babe, you look so good... Your legs look really nice," He complimented me. Heat rushed to my cheeks as he said that.
"Turn around, let me see," He instructed. I could've heard how big his smile was if I wasn't looking at him. I did a 180 turn, starting to mess with my belly button. It goes in, so I tend to mess with it.
"You have the ass for it," He encouraged me. Regardless of if he was biased, the compliments still made me feel excited.
"Can I please take a picture of you, Babe? I'll put it in a private folder," He asked as I turned back to face him. I thought for a second before agreeing. I won't have my face in it and it's just Jacob, so why not.

I let him take a couple and he kissed my belly button since he was still sitting down. I smiled and sat down on my knees, gently kissing his lips. He pulled me into his lap and kissed me a little harder.
"I love you, Luca," He told me as he pulled away. It wasn't hot, it wasn't desperate. It was sweet and romantic.
"I love you too..." I whispered. At this point, I can't imagine my life without him.
"Can I get my shorts back on? My entire ass is out," I mumbled. He reluctantly let go of my waist and let me grab my shorts. I slipped them over top cause I didn't feel like changing all the way. I started sorting through the boxes again, not exactly expecting to find anything else interesting.

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