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Dady pulled into the driveway and I grabbed my phone from the aux, waiting for Dady to get me out. He opened my door and unbuckled me, grabbing me from my seat. I clung onto him and he opened the trunk, grabbing my duffle bag and bringing it inside with us. He sat it down and seperated my clothes from my items,  tossing my clothes into the washer. I dont really remember all of what I ahd in there and I was more occupied with the want for something in my mouth.. He started the load of clothes and picked up my stuff. He brought it into the bedroom and sat it on the dresser.

"P-paci..?" I asked as soon as he sat them down. He smiled and carried me into the living room, grabbing the Paci. I reached for it and whined and Dady looked at me, expectingly.
"How do you ask?" He asked, bouncing me on his hip.
"P-please Dady.." I asked, resisting the urge to put my thumb in my mouth. He popped it into my mouth and I giggled, holding him. He kissed my nose and I smiled.

"Do you wanna watch something, Babes?" He asked and I nodded quick. I was bored out of my mind and needed anything to do.
"How about that movie you never finished?" He suggested, sitting on the couch with me and setting me in his lap.
"Yeah.." I mumbled, laying my head on his chest and waiting for him to put the movie on. He restarted it and I was invested the second it began. About 20-30 minutes into the movie the washer went off and Dady slipped out from under me, making me pout.
"Nooooo..." I whined, flopping onto my back dramatically. He smiled and paused the movie, leaning over me.
"Aww, poor baby!" He whined back, pouting back at me. I gave him puppy dog eyes and he leaned down, kissing my lips hard.

I kissed his back, reaching up and holding him there. He eventually pulled away, just a bit, and stared into my eyes. Although, he was upside down and it made me smile a bit.
"I have to go switch your clothes over, Baby." He said, and I stared at him.
"No.." I mumbled. He sighed and moved his head away, making me sit up. He picked me up and brought me into the kitchen where the washer and dryer was. He sat me down on the top of the dryer and opened the washer, grabbing my wet clothes out of it and putting them into the dryer. He finished and turned the it on, picking me back up.

He brought me back to the living room and sat down with me again, turning the movie back on. I kicked my feet against the couch and fidgeted, trying to focus on the movie. We got to the point where the main character, Luca, had started ignoring Alberto and focusing on the girl he had met.
"That's bull shit.." I mumbled, forgetting my rules for a minute.
"Hey!" Dady said, catching my attention and reminding me what rule I broke.
"You know better, Babes. Do it again and you're going in time out." He reprimanded me, turning my head so I was looking at him.
"M sorry, Dady.." I mumbled, laying down in him. He kissed my head and told me just not to do it again. But this was bullshit. How could he just put Alberto on the back burner like he wasn't there first person to get him out into the world?! The rest of the movie was spent with me, staring down the character and being salty.

Eventually, the movie credits rolled and I had forgiven Luca, but it was bitter sweet. I didn't want them to seperate.. I think the dryer had went off, but Dady thankfully didn't get back up to get them out. Atleast he didn't until the credits had finished and picked me up, taking me back to the washer/dryer. He sat me on the dryer again and crouched down, pulling the dry clothes into a basket. Dady picked the basket up with one arm and me with the other, bringing me into his bedroom. He out both me and the basket down on the bed, climbing on after. He sat against the headboard and I climbed into his lap while he pulled the basket closer to him and began folding my clothes, separating them into groups. I was somewhat taking inventory on what I had until he came across a pair of panties I had. Heat rose to my cheeks, my face flushing red.

He didn't say anything, just folded them as well and moved onto the next peice of clothing. I snuggled into Dadys chest and hid my face. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around me.
"Are you embarrassed, Baby?" He asked, whispering into my ear. I don't think he meant it the way I took it, but I fell out of little space. I nodded a bit and took out the paci, setting it on the night stand.
"Hm? What's wrong, Bubbas?" He asked, still in that husky voice. It sent shivers down my spine and I whimpered, squirming a bit on his lap. He sat my folded clothes into the basket and sat it down on the floor next to the bed and began rubbing my thighs.

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