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Jacob POV

I hate to ask Spade to let us stay, but I'm in no way going to let Kayden ever even speak again to Luca. Or me.
"Papa, are you hurt...?" Luca quietly asked, pulling his knees up to his chest and his shirt down. I gently shook my head before answering.
"No, Baby. Papa's not hurt, don't worry." I tried to soothe him. He was still silently crying and shifting how he was sitting.
"I feel all dizzy..." He mumbled.
"You need to eat," I told him, also talking to myself. I'm gonna have to call Spade. I pulled my phone out and dialed his phone contact.
"Hey?" He asked.
"Hi, um, can me and Luca come over for a while? Kayden, just, he hit him and I'm pretty sure I passed out after he shoved me and I hit my head. But, I think..." I explained, quieting my voice before finishing my sentence.
"I think he raped Luca..." I whispered. He's moving like it hurts to sit and I'm pretty sure cum is running down his leg.

"Oh, my God! Yeah, of course. How far away are you both?" He agreed.
"Like, 7 minutes I think?" I guessed.
"Okay, I'll leave my door open. Was he little during it...?" He as quietly asked, making me frown.
"I-I mean, he was before and has been at least since I woke up. So, I imagine so." I answered, honestly.
"Jesus, that dude is... just fucked in the head," Spade mumbled.
"Regardless, I can get a bath started for him for when you come over. I imagine he wants to get clean." He offered.
"Yeah, thanks, man. I really, really do appreciate you." I told him before we exchanged goodbyes.
"We're gonna go to Spade's house, Okay?" I told him, reaching over and gently wiping his cheek.

I pulled into Spade's driveway and turned off my truck, unbuckling my seat belt.
"You ready, Bubba?" I quietly asked, seeing him slightly nod. I opened my door and instead of Luca getting out of his side, he crawled over to my side.
"H-help...?" He quietly asked, reaching for me and looking behind him. I took him in my arms, noticing he didn't even have boxers on. It's still raining and I really don't want him to get a cold or anything, he needs to eat anyways.
"C'mere, Babe. I've got you, don't worry," I mumbled before closing the car door. I went ahead and carried him to the front door, knocking on it before waiting for Spade to open it.
"Hey, come in." He said as he opened the door.
"Do you wanna bathe, Bubba?" He asked Luca, shutting the door behind us. When he seemed a little apprehensive, Spade told him it was gonna be me bathing him. He slightly nodded, putting his thumb in his mouth.

"You can get him in the tub and I can give him a change of clothes. My brother left a bunch of stuff here, so I've got alot of them still." He offered
"Yeah. Thank you so much again, Spade. You have no clue how much I appreciate this," I thanked him again before bringing Luca to the bathroom.
"You want a bath?" I softly asked, kneeling down in front of the tub.
"Y-ya..." He whispered, chewing on his thumb.
"Mkay, can I take off your shirt?" He only nodded, staring to take it off himself. I didn't protest and let him do it, helping him into the bath after he was undressed.

We didn't have many issues until I needed to wash his body.
"Can I wash you, Babe?" I asked, foaming up the loofah already. He whimpered and sniffled, apparently unable to answer me. He eventually just burst out into tears, loudly crying.
"Oh, no, no, hang on. Papa won't hurt you, I swear. We don't need to do that, you don't have to do anything," I soothed him setting down the scrubby. I grabbed his towel to help him out, and he was already climbing out. He barely let me wrap a towel around him before sitting on my lap. He did get water all over my shirt, but that wasn't my main concern. I gently rocked him and thought about what to do. I think he likes lullabies but all I could remember was a nursery rhyme.
"I had a tiny turtle, his name was tiny Tim. I put him in the bathtub to see if he could swim." I started, getting his attention.

"He drank up all the water, he ate up att the soap. And now he's sick in bed with a bubble in his throat." I continued, making him smile a tiny bit through the tears.
"Turtle?" He quietly asked, rubbing his face.
"Mhm, an Itty bitty turtle and he was green and he loved baths," I told him, rubbing his back. He giggled a tiny bit and held me close.
"Jacob, I've got clothes," Spade called through the door.
"You can come in and hand me them," I told him, gently scratching Luca's head. He cracked open the door enough for his arm, handing me the clothes. I took them and set them on the sink, then thanked him.
"Come here, let's get you dressed," I mumbled.
"You wanna do it on your own?" I asked, getting a strong head shake.
"N-need help..." He whispered.

I picked up the boxers first and carefully, but quickly, slipped them on him. I helped him stand and took off his towel, making him cover his nipples.
"Put your arms through," I instructed him, bunching up the shirt. He listened and let me slide it over his torso. I put on a pair of plaid, PJ pants and tied the drawstring. I gently dried his hair before hanging the towel back up. Luca took my hand and I lead him to the kitchen, Spade sitting on the counter.
"Do you need something to eat?" He asked Luca. He nodded a tiny bit and tried to stay close to my side.
"What do you like?" He asked, getting into the fridge. Luca only shrugged, pulling at his boxers.

Eventually, Spade found an apple sauce and cut up a banana into slices for him.
"Mmm... I eat it," Luca mumbled, climbing up to sit at the table. Spade set the plate in front of Luca with a spoon, but he didn't use it. He went ahead and used his hands, effectively getting sticky. He also ended up with a mess on his face.
"Share?" He asked, holding up a piece of banana for me.
"No thank you, Bubba. You gotta eat it," I gently redirected him, handing him the fruit piece back. He pouted but continued to eat it. Eventually, though, he just ended up crying again. He ended up staring off and eventually tears silently streamed down his face.
"Hey, Bub..." I whispered, crouching down next to him. I picked him up and sat back down with him in my lap, making him zone back in.

"Papa..." He whispered, rubbing his face.
"Shh, you're okay," I soothed him, getting him to shake his head.
"It hurted, Papa..." He whimpered. "He wanted me to kiss your penis..."
"Hey, I'm okay. You're safe here, he's not gonna come around. You don't need to worry, I promise," I consoled him gently, scratching his head.
"Papa, 'M sorry... I no wanted to," He whispered. I sighed and just rocked him, holding him close.
"Do you want a little ducky?" Spade asked, walking back into the kitchen and crouching next to us. After a second, Luca nodded and tentatively reached for it.
"Quack, quack!" He smiled, handing it over. Luca held it close and leaned up to kiss my cheek.

He didn't want to leave my side all night, but I don't blame him and I didn't mind.  But, when I tried to go get something from the car he didn't want to let me.
"Babes, let me go get the stuff from the truck," I told him. He only frowned and tried to get me to pick him up. He hasn't been talking for a good half an hour, at least.
"What is it that you want, Babe?" I asked, finally shutting the door. It's just letting the A/C out at this point. He stomped a little and kept trying. I went ahead and picked him up. I don't want to force him to do anything right now, not after Kayden. I might not know exactly what Kayden did, but I have a damn good guess.

I guess I'll just take him out to the truck and look for my backpack. It's got my charger and some clothes, for both of us, in case something happened with Kayden again. I stepped out the front door, Luca in my arms, and dug around in my truck bed until I found it under some wood planks. I was gonna give them to my dad since he asked for them. I don't know what specifically, but for some project.
I tossed it out of the bed before making Luca let go of me and helping him down himself. The tuck is tall and I don't want to slip like I sometimes do, and hurt him. I got down myself, picked up the backpack, and guided him inside.
"Go find Spade, Bubba," I told him, shutting the door behind me. He shook his head and wrapped his arms around me, frowning.
"Babe, I have stuff in here I don't need you to get into," I told him, continuing to encourage him to go find him.
"Papa..!" He wailed, hugging me tighter.
"Mkay..." I mumbled, picking him up.
"How about we go night night?" I asked, carrying him to Spade's guest bedroom. He eventually nodded and let me lay him down in the bed.

"Hey, Bubs, I have to go to work tomorrow. You're gonna have to stay here with Spade tomorrow, okay?" I told him as I slipped off my shoes. He whimpered but nodded and laid on his back. I laid next to him, slipping under the covers.
"Get comfy..." I mumbled, helping him cover up with the comforter and pulling him close. My backpack got wet in the rain so I have to stay up and dry the clothes in it so they aren't musty tomorrow, so I probably shouldn't have held him as close as I did. But, I'll be damned if I don't hold him after today.

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