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[Luca POV]
Jacob said we're moving into that apartment today, and I cannot wait to get there. He needed my help carrying out the boxes to the truck, so I did my best. I only dropped one, which sounds good, but that's the only box I carried. And there were only 3 total regardless. He put the address into the GPS, and I bounced in my seat the entire time in an attempt to contain my excitement. As he pulled into the little parking lot for the apartment residents, I practically got out of the car while it was still moving.
"If you grab a box, I'll unlock the front door," Jacob told me, getting out and digging out his keys. I stood on the back of the truck where you could step on as I got a box out and carefully stepped off the truck with it. I tried my hardest to get it to the apartment without dropping it or tripping, and this time, I made it all the way inside before I set it on the ground.

I wanted Jacob to say something, so I knew he noticed, but he moved back out to go get more boxes, so I let it go. I hurried after him out to the truck and was handed a box to take inside. I tried to go as fast as I could and contemplated what we had to do all day. It's only 8 a.m., and Jacob has to work at noon, then his work drive is half an hour. So he's gotta leave at 11:15 probably so he isn't late in case of traffic. I set down the box and shoved it over closer to the other one as he walked in behind me. He just put it down out of the way of the front door.
"Come on, I can't carry a bed by myself," He told me. I ran to catch up to him and followed him to the truck. He put down the tailgate, which I don't know why we didn't put down at first but whatever, and told me to get in and grab the other side. I doubted my own abilities but listened to what he told me to do. I got behind it and picked it up, following him forward as he pulled it out of the truck bed.

He had me sit on my ass, still holding it, before setting it on the pavement and hopping out of the truck. Jacob made me pick it back up, and him going backward into the building and up the stairs. He needed me to tell him before he got to the stairs and at the last one.
"You're there!" I quickly reminded him as he was inches away from the bottom step. He sighed and carefully stepped up, leading the bed until he was at the last step.
"That's the last one!" I informed him like how he told me to. He instantly stopped and adjusted his grip on the bottom of the bed.
"As in, I have one more step to the top, or I'm currently on flat ground?" He asked.
"The ground's flat," I clarified. He mumbled okay and started walking backward again, glancing behind him for a second or two every so often to make sure the bed would go through the door frame. He shuffled his way through the living room back through the hallway and into the bedroom.

"You can set it down," He permitted me as I stepped in.
"Thank fuck," I groaned, setting it down.
"Alright, the dresser is the last thing we got," Jacob told me, walking around the furniture we just sat down and back outside. I whined and followed him, doing the same process as right before. I went back through the apartment and shut the door after we got it set down in the bedroom. I  locked it before walking back to the bedroom and hugging Jacob.
"What's this about?" He asked, smiling.
"I just wanted to hug you before work," I mumbled, pulling away and rocking on my feet. He kissed my face before turning and starting to mess with the dresser again. He pushed it a little more to the right. And then a bit more before he shoved the bed to the corner so that the right side of the bed was against the wall and so was the headboard. Just to a different wall of the room.

"You're gonna be by yourself until like 9, okay? You've got stuff you can put away if you want to but other than that, you can color. You've got a coloring book and markers," He told me.
"Mkay, I might color. I might just take a nap." I said as he put sheets and the blanket on the bed.
"And my aunt texted me asking if we could watch my little cousin," Jacob suddenly told me.
"How old is your cousin?" I quietly asked. I'm okay with kids, but I can't hold them after 3 normally. As he stepped away from the bed, I kissed his cheek and thanked him for making it.
"Um, she's like 2. I don't know exactly, but probably 2 or 2 and a half," He explained. I don't think it'll be a problem then.

Pretty soon, he had to leave for work. We had agreed on watching his little cousin until his aunt finished the appointment she had up at the hospital since it would take a couple of hours, at least. After I kissed him goodbye, I did take a nap for a little while. But I woke up little and wanted Dady so bad. I picked up Jupiter and cuddled him, laying in bed still as I scrolled through various social media. Until suddenly, my phone rang, and Dady's contact popped up. It took a second to realize before I picked up and sat on my butt, putting my stuffie in my lap.
"Hi, hi," I sleepily greeted him, rubbing my face.
"Oh, good morning, Baby. Did I wake you from your nap?" He asked/greeted me.
"No, 'M just still a little sleepy," I mumbled.
"Well, I just wanted to call you and talk since I'm on my lunch break," Dady explained.
"Mmm, I haven't done much. I just cuddled Jupiter when I woke up," I told him.

I didn't want to get up, I wanted to sleep all day till he got home.
And so I did. I would wake up every few hours, but I just made myself lie down again, forcing myself to sleep. Until it was 9:23 p.m., and I couldn't keep forcing myself anymore. I had to get up and find something. I ended up dragging the 3 boxes into the bedroom and pulled them open, putting the stuff we had away. I wish Jacob would just be home already. The dresser was one that had 6 drawers, 3 on each side. So I put the clothes away where the top drawer was socks and boxers, the second one was shirts, and then the third was pants. I stood up from the floor and grabbed my phone. I was going to open my socials again, but it was still open to my messages app. And when I went to just go to my home screen, I miss-clicked and opened an old conversation with my previous neighbor. The one from my mom's street. And, of course, it was that one porn video he sent me forever ago.

It didn't affect me the way you'd think. It got me really sad. Mostly because it reminded me so much of when I was still with Kayden and how he acted before. I tried to take a second to process it but just sat down on the bed for a while instead. I suddenly felt homesick in a way. At least, I think that's the best way to describe it. Homesick and hurt and betrayed. Tears welled up in my eyes as I exited the tab and shut off my phone. I rested my hands on my forehead, and tears rolled partially down my cheeks before falling into my lap. I apparently didn't hear the front door open because when Jacob called out for me from the living room, I jumped. I stood from the bed and rubbed my face as I walked out to the living room.
"Hi, hi," I gently greeted him, leaning up on my tip toes and kissing his lips gently.

He didn't ask me how I was at home and if I ever did anything other than sleep, but it's okay. He was just tired from work, I guess.
"I picked up some stuff for the house, but I forgot stuff for dinner," He told me, setting down the plastic bags on the floor.
"Oh, that's okay. I don't really want it anyways," I told him, trying to give him the idea that I was completely fine. He didn't seem to pick up on anything off about me, which I was both grateful for and a little hurt over. Why didn't he realize I wasn't okay? I rationally know it's cause I told him I was fine and he was already worn out from work, but still. He wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug and kissed my face.
"I love you," He softly told me before leading me to the bedroom and yawning.

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