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Kayden POV

When I woke up, it was too my little boy shaking me and whining.
"Dadyy!! Get upp!" He exclaimed, violently shaking me. I opened my eyes and looked up at him, kinda staring.
"Huh?" I asked as he climbed on top of me. I didn't understand what he needed me for this early but it was probably something. He shoved his phone in my face and my eyes focused onto the screen.
"What dat?" He quietly asked, sniffling. It was a video of two people fucking, nothing out of the ordinary, but how did he even get to this video?
"How'd you get here?" I asked, looking up at him.
"Me friend sent me it an I didn't know what it was.." He explained, begining to stretch.
"So what is it..?"
"It's for a big kid. Not my little boy." I said, exiting out of the link and into his chat with his friend. He was clearly little before he got sent a porno, so why the hell would they send that? I sighed and kissed Luca's temple as I sat up.

He fell from my chest to my lap with an oof, making me smile.
"Bubba, who's your friend?" I asked. I don't like the feeling his friend gives me, he makes me uneasy.
"He's my old neighbor. From when I was with my momma." He said, looking up at me.
"What do you guys normally talk about?" I asked as I rubbed his back. He shrugged and shifted a bit in my lap.
"A lot stuff. He send me that sumtimes and I don't no wat it is cus he always send it when I'm little. So I wanted ask Dady." He said while I parted his hair for no reason other than to do something with my hands.
"He sends you it when your little?" I double checked, making him look at me. He nodded, visibly confused.
"That's not okay, Baby. Little boys like you shouldn't see that." I said, matter of factly. He nodded and continued squirming in my lap.

"What's wrong, Hun?" I quietly asked. His face flushed pink and he looked away, playing with his fingers.
"You can tell me. Dady won't be mad." I consoled him, rubbing his back.
"W-went potty.." He whispered, avoiding my gaze.
"That's okay, Hunny. That's why you have the pull up." I told him before getting out of bed and laying him down on his back.
"No leev.." He whispered as soon as s I pulled away.
"Aw, Love, Dadys gotta get you another pull up. Or big boy undies." I said, leaning down and rubbing his sides. He nodded and put his fingers in his mouth, gently chewing on them. I smiled at how cute he was and stood back up, going to grab a clean pull up

"Lemme get you clean, Baby." I said as I walked in with baby wipes and a Pull Up. I sat them on the bed next to him and he looked over at me before cooing at me. I smiled and pulled down his old pull up, wiping down his penis, and putting a clean one on. I walked out to throw it away and once I had, I heard Luca waddle in after me.
"Dady!" He exclaimed, toddling to me. I smiled and he hugged me.
"Baby! You ready to get dressed to go play?" I asked, laying my hands on his shoulders. He nodded and bit his lip, bouncing on his feet.
"Alright, let Dady get you dressed." I said, smiling and leading him back to the living room.

I pulled onto the gravel road and unlocked the doors before un-buckling us both. Luca smiled and got out on his own, shutting the door. I slid out and he ran over to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me along to the park.
"Someone's excited." I said, giggling a bit. He nodded and slowed down a bit, still dragging me. He finally let go of my hand and ran to the swings, me following after him. He hopped up and started swinging his legs. I stood next to him, leaning against the swing set and occasionally pushing him until he got bored. Which was relatively fast. He eventually dragged his feel across the mulch to stop himself and jumped down. He grabbed my hand again and lead me over to the climbing bars.
"Watch me!" He exclaimed, leaving me a little confused while he grabbed onto them. It was when he pulled himself up and sat on top of them did I realize what he meant.

"Babes, that's very cool. But you could get hurt up there." I said, looking up at him. He pouted and swung his legs over the edge of them, very carelessly.
"Come on down, let's go find something else." I suggested, holding my arms our for him. He slid down, effectively scaring the shit out of me and making me grab him by the waist despite him having caught himself.
"My God, child. You're gonna give me a heart attack." I sighed, setting him down on his feet.
"M sory, Dady." He mumbled, leaning up and pecking my lips.
"Thank you, Hun. Let's go find something else." I said, taking his hand and leading him to another part of the park.

Luca yawned and stretched before laying against me. He had been playing for a while and I think he was getting sleepy. And it doesn't help his nap is coming up.
"Aww, are you gettin sleepy?" I quietly asked, scratching his back.
"No..!" He shouted, pouting. I heard his phone beep, confusing both of us. He doesn't normally get notifications.
"Who's that?" I asked as he fished his phone from his pocket. He unlocked it and shoved it in my face. I pulled back and grabbed it, begining to read it. It was the messages between him and his old neighbor.

'My Dady said I wasn't suppos watch it."- Luca

'It's fine, it's not that big of a deal. You should watch it."- PJay

'I don wana."- Luca

-1 New Message-

"Come on, it's fine. He's making a big deal out of nothing."

I knew there was a reason I got a bad feeling about this dude. He sounds like a dick.

'Look, he's little rn and you can tell. Its not a surprise, you obviously know he's not big. So why send him porn? I dont even care, just quit." I sent, handing Luca his phone.
"Wat he say?" He asked, sitting up on his knees.
"Nothing, just pressuring you." I mumbled, pulling him into my lap. Luca nodded a little and stiffled a yawn.
"I think someone needs a N-A-P." I said, standing up and carrying Luca to the car.
"Nuh uh.." He whined. I mumbled a sure and sat him in the car, buckling him in before getting in my own side.

"C'mon, Love." I said, picked him up out of the car. He wasn't exactly cooperating but he also wasn't resting, just kinda letting me carry him. And he was still awake. I sighed and shut the car door, carrying him to the front door and unlocking it. I brought him into the bedroom and laid him on the bed. Despite how gentle I sat him down though, he groaned and rubbed his eyes before sitting up. I huffed and took a breath before turning off the light and sitting down next to him. He crawled over to me and I just sighed before taking off my shoes and letting him. He laid his head on my lap and I scratched him, watching his eyes flutter closed.

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