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Luca POV

I woke up in a good mood actually, very unusual but it wasn't unpleasant. I'd be fine waking up like this the rest of my life. Kayden was laying against me, hugging me even though he was awake. I smiled and rolled over, kissing his nose.
"Goodmorning." I whispered, laying back down.
"Morning my love." He said, shifting a bit.
"It's so cold.." I mumbled, pulling the blanket up to my chin.
"Aw, lemme warm you up." He told me as he pulled me on top of him, still under the blanket. I giggled and let him wrap his arms around my waist. We laid almost completely silent for a couple minutes before he rolled over, me under him. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck while he kissed my lips. He pulled away and got out of bed, grabbing his uniform from his dresser.

"Ewwwww, work." I groaned, rubbing my eyes.
"I know, I can't exactly just not go though." He said, stripping off his shirt and putting on his clean one. I sighed and sat up, slipping out of bed. As he changed out of his old boxers and into his new ones, I grabbed his hoodie off the top of the dresser and put it on top of what I was already wearing.
"Hey, go get an Ensure. You need to start eating something in the morning and I can't cook today." Kayden said, in the middle of putting his pants on.
"Mkay." I mumbled, going out to the kitchen and grabbing one from the pantry. I shook it on my way back to the bedroom and eventually opened it. I took a sip, kinda pouting at it. I can't get used to it, it's not like the worst possible thing to drink but it's still gross.

"Thank you, Babe." He mumbled, finishing buttoning his pants.
"When do you gotta leave..?" I quietly asked before taking a bigger drink.
"Like, 6 minutes." He started, "But I also have to start the car and let it warm up." I nodded a bit, setting down the Ensure on the dresser. Kayden grabbed his work shoes from next to the dresser and slid them on, fixing the laces after. He gently pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head, making me feel tiny.
"I love you so much, Bubba. I gotta go, but I'll be home at like 6." He said as he pulled away.
"Bye bye.. I'll see you tonight." I mumbled. He smiled and left, soon after closing the front door. I picked up Jupiter from next to me and gently picked at his fur. Maybe Jacob's up.

I held Jupiter to my chest and made my way to the living room, frowning when Jacob wasn't there. I wanna find him and I want play a game or do something. I quickly raced up the stairs, stopping at his door before knocking kinda loud.
"Jacob? I wanna play!" I exclaimed, stimming a bit. I didn't get a response so I knocked again a bit louder.
"Jacob!" I shouted, grabbing the doorknob. I'm getting a bad feeling like he's not okay. I opened the door and saw him laying in what looked like an uncomfy position. He had a nose bleed and it was on the sheets, making my heart drop. I quickly hopped up on the bed an tried to see if he was breathing and I couldn't tell.

"Jacob! Jacob wake up!" I shouted, grabbing his shoulder and shaking him hard. He didn't move. I fished my phone out of my pocket and dialed 911 as fast as I possibly could.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"My friends not waking up! H-His nose is bleeding and I don't know if he's breathing!" I shouted, beginning to breath heavy. I can't panic, I need to stay calm but I almost can't.
"Where are you?" She asked, not missing a beat.
"U-um, 2830 Washington drive. I'm upstairs." I told her, doing my best not to cry.

I rode in the ambulance with them, Jacob and the EMT's, all the way to the hospital and answering their questions on the way there. They quickly arrived at the ER, rushing to unload and bring Jacob into the building. A receptionist told me to wait in the lobby, so I did. I sat there, trying to take it all in and process what just happened. They said he overdosed on Cocaine, which is news to me. I just knew he smoked weed when I was at Chris' house when Markus was still living with us. Should I call Kayden? I think he should be here.

Kayden POV

"Hello?" I asked, picking up my phone from my desk. I have no clue why Luca is calling me at work. Or atleast I didn't until he told me Jacob overdosed on Cocaine.
"What..?" I asked, feeling my stomach drop.
"He's stable right now, they said. But I figured you should be here and know about it.." Luca mumbled, sniffling. He'd been crying..
"Uh yeah, let me go see if I can leave. I'm sure they'll let me but I still have to ask." I told him before saying goodbye and hanging up. Jesus, I wasn't even gone an hour and something happens.

I asked to leave and, like everyone expected, was told I could go ahead and leave. I grabbed my keys from my locker and ran out to the car. I don't want to take that long. I shoved the keys in and started the car, pulling out of the parking lot and almost definetly speeding down to the hospital. When I got there I quickly checked in with the front desk before walking out to the waiting room scanning for Luca. I finally saw him, his feet up in the chair and picking at his face. I quickly walked over to him and flopped down in the seat to his left.
"Hey, Babe." I mumbled, taking his hand and rubbing the back of it with my thumb.

"I'm sorry.." He whispered, looking up at me. Tears were streaming down his face and his face was blotchy.
"Why?" I asked. I'm sure he's just blaming himself.
"I-I should've tried to wake him up earlier.." He whimpered, beginning to shake. Poor boy, his heart's the size of Texas.
"It's not your fault, Bubba. You woke up the same time as me and almost as soon as I left you tried to wake him up. I promise to you, it's not at all your fault." I promised him, kissing his cheek. He laid on me and quietly broke down, tears falling onto my shirt. I silently soothes him until a doctor called for Jacob Klayton. I hoped up and grabbed Luca's hand, dragging him over to the nurse.
"Come on back." He said before leading us around the ER rooms and letting us into one. One with Jacob sleeping and hooked up to hella machines.

"He's stable and breathing normal, we gave him an antidote of sorts for the drug and he's taken it well. His heart rate is a bit elevated still but we've got him hooked up for the machines to read his vitals and they'll alert us for any major changes. So for the time being, you're both good to be in here since ce he should wake up soon." He explained before quickly closing the privacy curtain and walking somewhere else. I sat down next to the hospital bed and took Jacob's hand into my own. I sniffled and laid my head on his hand, breathing slowly. I heard Luca sit in the chair next to me but let me have my moment. It's so scary that he was so close to dying. I see this so much in my line of work but it's so different when it's someone close to you, let alone living in your house.

I eventually pulled away and gently sat his hand back down.
"You're so dumb sometimes.." I whispered.
"Papa..?" Luca quietly asked, poking my arm.
"What do you need, Babe?" I asked, taking a big breath before wiping my eyes. He slid out of his chair and into my lap, wrapping his arms around me and sniffling.
"Is okay to be sad.." He told me, laying his head on my shoulder.
"Thank you, Babe.." I told him, scratching his head.
He leaned over to the hospital bed and kissed Jacob's hand, making me smile a bit.
"You're so sweet, Hun. I can't believe I got you.." I said, whispering that last part since it made me tear up. Luca just smiled and held me close.

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