4. Even in the darkness, there is light

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"Is this really necessary?" I protested while I watched Riley grab a sleeveless red lace and tulle minidress, and bring it over to me with a pair of cream heels.

My sister-in-law shook her head, cradling her bump once I took the dress off her hands. "I don't accept no for an answer, my dear. I had them tailor-made for you, so not like anyone else can use them, anyway. It will be a long while until I can fit into a mini-dress again and Scarlett's dresses barely stay intact, thanks to Callum."

Too much information, Riley.

What was with everyone not being able to keep their hands off each other once they were mated? 

I was no prude–shifters spent a big part of their lives either naked or talking and thinking about sex– but I had to wonder whether sex was as good as everyone made it out to be. Sure, the books I was reading always had me feeling like my skin was burning, that warm sensation pooling at the bottom of my stomach, but I was not sure whether real life could measure up to the scorching scenes in my favourite novels.

"It's meant to be just a small gathering, Ri." I blew out a breath, searching her eyes to make sure that we were on the same page, but the guilty shrug she gave me did nothing to reassure me. "... Right?"

"Of course, it's small. Only the family... the tribe... some friends and allies. Give or take, a hundred people or so."


"I know, I know. I'm sorry–I was just so happy to have you and your mum here again that I wanted to do something special. And then one thing led to another, and I just couldn't make my mind up about things, so it kind of got out of control," she grimaced.

I wasn't excited by the revelation but I couldn't hold it against her either, not when she meant well.

"It's okay." I put my hand around her shoulder and pulled her closer to me, the bump getting in the way of my attempt for a hug. "I love you for going out of your way for us, but you are meant to be resting, Riley, or this baby will come out unable to sit still, just like the mother.  I would have been perfectly happy to celebrate with a cup of hot chocolate in our pyjamas, anyway."

She pressed a hand to her mouth to stifle her giggles. "You and those hot chocolates."

"Hey, it's not my fault that Rafe got me addicted to those. It's my all-time favourite drink, with cream and marshmallows on top, of course. And they bring back so many memories." For a brief moment,  thinking about it transported me back to those rare moments of happiness in my childhood, moments that my brother gifted me with that made life without our mum and with the kind of man that our father was bearable. "Memories of the times that I would curl up next to him with a hot mug in hand and he would tell me about his travels."

"He is a good big brother." Riley's eyes beamed with pride.

"Yes, he is."

"You know, Nat," she anchored her attention on me as she clapped her hands, "I definitely wouldn't want you to leave us anytime soon, but you can always go travelling for a while to see all those places. The world is there for you to explore."

I grinned with all my teeth because that was certainly a dream of mine. I wanted to see the world, taste new foods, and experience new things. I wanted to live a more exciting life than the one I had up to now, even if just for a little while.

"I will. But right now, Windfire is where I want to be," I said as I zipped up the dress. "How do I look?"

"Oh, wow. Absolutely stunning, Nat!" Her words made my cheeks heat up. Compliments were not something I was used to, not after so many years of being called an embarrassment.

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