8. Playing with fire

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"There you go, boss," my secretary said as she dropped the firm's latest financial accounts on my desk.

I definitely preferred my skulk office to this one, but being fox shifters didn't pay our bills–or the ridiculous Christmas party that Rai and Max were planning–so I had to split my time between my Alpha duties and overseeing our skulk's business.

The bears ran their own construction company, the dragons dabbled with arts and jewellery, and the two wolf packs in the area were so old that they had amassed enough money over the decades to allow their people to decide whether they wanted to work or not. But our skulk was a relatively young one–by shifter standards, in terms of our origins–so we needed to generate income. And what better way for us to earn money than running our own law firm? After all, we were a cunning kind: masters of the fine details, capable of twisting any word or term to our advantage.

It was no surprise really that the business took off in no time. We had a bigger branch in Glasgow for the more profitable corporate clients, but the headquarters remained in Dumbarton, where my office was also located.

"Thanks, Leanne. Is everyone out for lunch already?"

"Yes, boss. I'm also going to head out soon. Do you want me to get you anything?"

I shook my head as she opened the door to leave my office. "No, that's fine, thanks."

Lunchtimes were probably my favourite part of the day because the office was quiet, so I could focus better on the paperwork I had to go through. Which was a feat in itself when the firm had multiple branches across the big towns around Loch Lomond and beyond.

But I didn't even get past the first page when there was a knock on my door, and Leanne popped in again.

"Is there a problem?" I cocked an eyebrow at her, wondering why she disturbed me, knowing that I had to get through the reports.

"Sorry, boss. There is a lady here," she muttered and pointed to the open space at the front of the law firm where my staff usually welcomed clients. "And she is here to see you."

It wasn't like me to forget about any meetings I'd scheduled, but I also kept this time of the day free from appointments to get urgent things done, so I had no idea who that person was.

"It's a she-wolf," my secretary mouthed, probably worried that she would be overheard.

Oh, no no no. I knew exactly who it was, even if her scent had not reached me yet, but Leanne uttered her name before I could protest. "Natalia Macalister, boss."

"Tell her I am not here. Out for the rest of the day."

"Sure thing, boss," she nodded, leaving me in peace again.

Except, I was evidently not destined to get any work done because I heard a commotion outside, right before she stormed into my office.

"Miss, I told you–you can't go in there," Leanne called out, chasing after my little wolf.

Yet, Natalia looked undeterred as she stood there, her eyes fixed on me.

"I'm sorry, boss," my secretary tried to explain. "She wouldn't listen."

"That's fine, Lea. You can go now," I motioned for her to leave, my eyes fixed on my visitor. "Enjoy your lunch break."

To be honest, I wasn't sure if being on my own with my mate was going to be the stupidest decision ever, but not like there were many other options. She was evidently determined to see me if she came all the way here.

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