27. Can you handle it?

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The smell of bacon and eggs wafted through the house as I finished brushing my hair. James was still in the shower, the sound of cascading water faint through the closed door. Perched at the edge of the bed, happiness and excitement consumed me as I recalled the night before. It had been such a perfect moment, one that surpassed even my wildest dreams. The way he looked at me throughout the entire date made me feel like the most cherished woman on the planet.

Everything about him captivated me-the comfort of his touch, the tenderness of his kiss on my cheek. The butterflies in my stomach remained even now. For a short time, it had seemed like we were the only two people in the world. It was the kind of moment I had always longed for, and it was surreal to believe it was truly mine.

Yet anticipation of the day ahead transformed the fluttering in my stomach into churning dread. Sara had arranged for a meeting with the Council to discuss the feral shifters situation and I could already feel the weight of their judgement, my chance to prove myself when for so many years I didn't think I was capable of proving anything, even in my own eyes.

Still, determination flickered within me. We had a plan to save those shifters, and I was prepared to do everything in my power to make that happen.

The shower turned off, and a few minutes later, James emerged surrounded by steam. A mischievous smirk graced his lips as he slipped into his crisp shirt and trousers and tossed me a wink.

"Are you ready to go present your case, little wolf?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

He strode over and pulled me close, his hand sliding up my neck to brush the tattoo hidden by my hair. I shivered at his touch, feeling a current of warmth surge through me.

"You've nothing to fear." He tilted my chin, his eyes searching mine. "We are in this together. I will be by your side."

His faith in me calmed my nerves the way that only he could. I wrapped my arms around him, breathing in his scent as the world narrowed to just us.

A knock sounded on the door, followed by the voice of James' mother Vivian, jolting us out of our momentary bubble of solace. "You two better hurry if you plan to make that meeting."

James sighed, stroking my cheek. "We'll be right there, Mum." He looked intently at me. "Ready?"

I took a deep breath, finding confidence at last. "Let's go plead our case."

The streets of London slid past as we made our way to the Council's headquarters. Anxiety coiled like a snake in my stomach; I had never stood before the Council, let alone offered my services.

James must have sensed it, because he took my hand and squeezed it gently. "You have nothing to worry about. I'll be there with you the whole time."

The Council's imposing stone building came into view, holding untold knowledge of shifter history within its walls. We emerged into a grand entryway, with marble floors stretching out before us. An assistant silently led us down a maze of hallways until we reached two enormous mahogany doors.

"Right this way."

Knocking twice, the assistant opened the doors to reveal the inner chambers of the Council: a circular room dimly lit by a wrought-iron chandelier.

Beneath the ornate vaulted ceiling, the twenty council members sat around a grand oak table. At the head of the table was Remus Thorne, the Alpha of one of the most influential wolf packs in the country and leader of the Council, who observed us with interest.

"Alpha Wilson, Ms Macalister, please join us." He gestured to two empty chairs.

Whispers rippled through the room as we entered. I fought not to shrink under the scrutiny of unfamiliar faces, taking my seat beside James. The inquisitive looks of the Council members shifted between us, clearly surprised by an Omega's counsel, but I refused to give in to my worries.

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