EPILOGUE 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

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A few months later


"Morning, beautiful," James murmured, his voice gruff with sleep as he nuzzled into the crook of my neck. His fingers traced patterns on my hip, making my skin tingle.

I stirred, loving the feel of his strong arms around me, our legs tangled beneath the sheets. The early morning life of the Amazon rainforest hummed outside, enveloping our secluded treehouse with its lively chorus. High above the forest floor, the rest of the world seemed miles away, granting us a slice of paradise.

"Morning," I replied, unable to contain my smile as I rolled over and was greeted by the pure contentment in his gaze.

We had come so far, weathered so much. And now here, secluded amidst the lush green nature, we were in our perfect little bubble.

Memories of the past few months flashed through my mind. So much had changed—James had given up his Alpha position to show me the world and to support my new role with the Council, using my Omega abilities to help shifters across continents.

Wrapping my legs around him, I pulled him closer, revelling in the feel of his naked body against mine. His warm skin was a pleasant contrast to the cool air.

"Can you believe the Yawanawá Alpha offered us this little hideaway?" He glanced out at the stunning view surrounding our hidden haven. "Those jaguars sure took a liking to you."

"They're special." I touched the bracelet they had gifted me with, remembering their gratitude. Their indigenous shifter community had welcomed us with open arms after I was sent to help them. "The time with them to heal their wounds—I gained so much wisdom in return as well."

His touch skimmed down my collarbone, sending ripples of pleasure to every nerve. "They are." He clicked his tongue, grinning impishly while a hunger kindled in his gaze. "But nowhere as special as you are, mate."

Tiny sparks of desire ignited as his lips found my neck, one soft kiss after another. I leaned into him, heat already pooling low in my belly. His skilful fingers skimmed my thigh, teasing but not quite reaching where I ached for him, eliciting a throaty sound from me.

This man knew how to touch me, how to make my body hum with delight. He knew me better than anyone else, every inch of my body, every secret craving I harboured, and here he was, trying to play dirty.

He pressed me against him, his fingers moving down my back, sending waves of goosebumps across my skin. "Have I ever told you just how damn proud I am of you, Lili?"

Before I could respond, my phone buzzed. I reached over to grab it, swiping the screen to find a new photo from Riley. Our nephew's first smile.

"Riley and the boys are so lucky." I beamed, showing James the picture. Maggie still had my heart, but Zane had quickly made his way to the top alongside his sister, even though we'd missed his birth. All we had were the photographs that his mother shared. "Isn't he adorable?"

I couldn't stop staring at the photo, but who could possibly resist his cute chubby cheeks and that soul-melting smile?

"Takes after his aunt, doesn't he?" He caressed the curve of my jaw with his thumb, his touch warm and full of affection. "Ever thought of having one?"

"A baby?" A blush crept up my cheeks as he nodded in response. "Of course. But we have so much we want to do together first, don't we?"

"I love you even more for saying that because I am not ready to share you with anyone else soon." His laughter rumbled against me. "I want you all to myself, every part of you." In one swift move, he was on top, my body pinned beneath his. "We have plenty of time for the rest in the future."

For Fox's Sake (#3, Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora