15. Family

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"Rise and shine, Little Miss Gloomy. You need to stop sulking."

I barely registered what was going on before bright sunshine flooded my room when Riley pulled the heavy curtains apart. She could definitely be a meanie when she set her mind on it.

It was too early to have this conversation, and rubbing my eyes was not helping me to feel any more awake. "I'm not sulking," I tried to clarify, but the huge yawn on my part interrupted me.

"Uh-huh. And what do you call your unsociable behaviour in the past days?"

Wow, she is getting straight to the point today.

Two feet finally on the carpeted floor, I dragged myself out of bed and towards the bathroom to wash my face, while my sister-in-law continued with her sheer determination to let as much light as possible in my room.

"Contemplating," I answered in between brushing my teeth. "I've been in a reflective mood."

"So, you've figured the meaning of life, then?"

Oh goddess, couldn't a girl have an off day without everyone making a big deal out of it?

With my hairbrush in hand, I popped my head out of the door to give her a piece of my mind. "Ha ha." My mocking tone didn't bother her much though as she kept looking for something in my wardrobe. "You know, I love you, Riley, but my brother's poor attempts at jokes have started rubbing off on you. And that's not a good thing."

"Is she ready?" My mother also joined the seeming intervention this morning.

At nine o'clock... on a Sunday.

Most of the tribe was probably still enjoying a lazy lie in bed, something that apparently I was being denied today.

"She will be soon," Riley replied, satisfied when she held up my favourite pair of jeans, together with a bright yellow t-shirt, a white carding and a pair of casual white trainers. Nothing about that look screamed staying-at-home.

"Perfect," my mother exclaimed with an excitement that I hadn't seen in a while. "Chop chop, Nat, darling, we have a busy day ahead of us."

What are these two up to?

I didn't move, observing both of them, but neither one gave anything away. "What's going on?" I demanded while they both insisted on staying in the room as I got dressed.

"Oh, nothing to worry about, darling." Except, I was getting worried because my mum was practically singing now. "We just have a surprise for you."

So they had been scheming, after all, and I really hoped it was not a party again. But much to my surprise, the only person we found when they dragged me downstairs was my brother, three red roses in his hand.

"Ah, here are my three favourite women. A rose for my beautiful mate," he said, as he proceeded to give one to Riley, with a kiss so steamy that I had to clear my throat to remind them they were not alone. "Sorry, sorry–got carried away."

"Who would have guessed?" I couldn't help my sarcasm.

"Who ate your breakfast, sis?"

"Well, if you want to get technical about this, you three are keeping me from having any breakfast."

"It's okay, honey," my mum joined in, "we will have some soon enough."

"Yes, exactly," Rafe agreed. "Rose for the wisest, most wonderful mother in the world." My brother was being so cheesy, yet I loved him for making her smile as widely as she did. It was a beautiful sight, making me wish that our childhood had been full of her warm smiles rather than our father's disapproving scowls.

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