33. Sacrifice

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The first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and orange, stirring me from my sleep. Euphoria from my night with James still hummed beneath my skin. What started off in the worst possible way only strengthened our bond. The memory sent waves of exhilaration surging through me—how he let me dominate him, the taste of his lips... that mind-shattering orgasm.

A sleepy smile tugged at my mouth as his scent clung to the pillows, comforting in its familiarity. My hand slid over to his side of the bed, eager to touch him, but it only met cool sheets.

I blinked my eyes open, a flicker of worry sparking in my mind.


Anxiety knotted inside me as I wrapped the bedsheet around me and called again, louder. But there was no response, and the joy of last night began to fade slowly, replaced by a growing sense of unease.

"Where could he be?" I muttered to myself as I pulled on a robe and rushed through the cottage, every room as empty as the one before.

My wolf was restless, pacing inside me as my heart pounded against my ribs. James had let me mark him, and now he was gone. Just vanished without a word. After I had made it clear I would not give up on us, on our mating. I thought we were making progress, not moving backwards.

Did he...leave me?

The idea alone was unbearable, clawing at my insides and leaving a bitter flavour in my mouth.

No, I refused to entertain that possibility. I knew he loved me. There was no doubt about that.

Perhaps he got called to some Alpha duties, I reasoned, attempting to placate my frazzled nerves.

Yet, the foreboding feeling that clung to me wouldn't go away. I couldn't shake the sensation that something was terribly wrong. Ciara felt it too, her concern for James and Aron bleeding into my own emotions. The bond between mates let us sense danger, and right now, mine was screaming. 

The sudden knock on the door jolted me from my thoughts, making me jump. Hope fluttered in my chest that it was James on the other side. But when I opened, I found Max and Rai standing on the doorstep with grim expressions, their usual good humour gone, and my heart sank.

"What are you two doing here so early?" I asked, trying to suppress my disappointment and maintain composure.

"Sorry to disturb you, Natalia," Max said, his expression full of concern. "We're looking for James. Poachers were spotted on the borders of the skulk."


Bile rose in my throat as tendrils of terror curled into my stomach. "He's not here. I thought he was perhaps with you."

"We haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon." Rai shook her head, her expression stark. "Do you want us to look for him?"

I swallowed hard, gathering the unravelling threads of my strength. My mate needed me. I could feel it.

"No, do what he would have told you to do—take care of the skulk and keep everyone away from the poachers. I'll find him," I instructed, striving for a tone of confidence despite the fear threatening to strangle my words.

"Are you sure?" Max's brow furrowed with concern. "It could be dangerous out there. One of us should come with you."

"James is my mate. As Betas, it's your duty to guard the skulk, so do what you need to do to protect the Red Tails in your Alpha's absence." I paused, letting the words hang in the air while I held their gaze. "I don't need a bodyguard."

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