𝓝𝓮𝓻𝓯 𝓸𝓻 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷'! 06 [Edited]

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Your POV

It's been 30 minutes, and Levi, Mammon and I were getting lectured while cleaning. I sigh. I guess there's only one way out...

I look at Lucifer dead in the eye. He looks at me confused. "Do you have something to say?" He spoke as if he were warning me. His eyes widen in shock at what I did.
I started Bawling
Not a few tears, I mean like Izuku or Zenitzu, type of bawling. Probably worse than them.

"O-oi human, what the -" I bawl my eyes out even more. Damn Izuku would be so proud. Lucifer stood there, questioning his sanity before flat out leaving.

As soon as I was sure he was gone, I stopped. Which surprised Levi and Mammon further. "Hey, do you guys have ice cream down here?" "..." "..."
"Man, you should be thankful I'm able to pull such an act," I pouted at their silence. It was Levi who spoke up first.
"How did you do that?!" Then Mammon snapped out of his shock. "Yea, you got Lucifer to give up in under an hour! That's a Devildom record if I've ever seen one."

I looked at them stunned. "...you mean... you don't know how to cry on command?" Haven't they lived longer than me?

"I guess it's just in the Wilson Gene's?" Thinking back on it... me and dad are the only ones to cry on command...

I then just shrug my shoulders and leave. Mammon and Levi stayed behind, still stunned, but I had things to do, so I left em.

And by things... I mean laying down in bed because I can't sleep. As I make it to my bed and lay down, I take out my D.D.D. I'm so boreddddd... I'm gonna cry....again.

As I went to my contacts, a certain red-headed, soon-to-be-king guy.
Meh, I have nothing to do, so why not. Imma call him.

The phone rang three times before he answered.

Oh! He answered! nicceee
"Yooooo Dia my boiii"
"Ah! (Y/n)! How are you?"
"I'm bored. Entertain me."
"Haha, I wish I could, but right now, I'm buried in paperwork."
"Why do you do paperwork if it's all most likely gonna get shredded?"
"Das what I thought anyway, what room are you in? Like how many floors?"
"Ah well, I'm in the room with the red curtains on the third floor. Why?""

All I said was be ready before I hung up. I got up and went to my TMNT book bag, which I honestly forgot about. "Hehe, been too long since I've been a mini deadpool." I mutter under my breath and put on the suit over my clothes.

I put a gun in the holster, a pocket knife in my pocket, and put my book bag with the rest of my guns and knives on my shoulders.

I open my window and look down
'Ok (y/n) you've done this many times.' I get on top of the desk and slowly climb out of the window.

I started to slowly climb down until I slipped. Well.. shit.

I let out an "Oof-" before standing up.
I look at my arm and then stomach. My arm bent the opposite way and a tree branch through my stomach. Who knew tree branches could stab all the way through like that. The more you know.

I then pulled the branch out with my good arm and took my other arm, and bent it back into place.
"Ah fuck. That hurt like a butt cheek on a stick."

I then went on my way to the prince's castle.
"Making my way downtown, walking fast huh-." I look up and see a huge ass castle. "Ahhh there you aree." I then see some guards and I hid behind a wall. I take off my back pack, open it and get my tranquilizer gun. I hope this works on demons.

I put my book bag back on and slowly, kneeling down, aimed my gun. I shot the one. "Ow- What the-" He said before dropping onto the ground. "Huh? Hey. Gary?"

He kneeled down shaking the sleeping demon before I shot him in the arm. He soon falls down on top of Gary.

I got up from my kneeling position before walking past the gate.

I looked up to spot red curtains.
I finally saw the red curtains and started climbing up. Don't ask me how, cuz I have no fucking clue either. I should be a professional rock climber.

I finally got to the window, barely hanging on the window seal and knocked on the window. Soon the window opens with a shocked Diavolo.

"Hey buddy. Ready to go?" His shock soon turned into joy, but turned into fear and worry.

"What's the matter?"

"I'd love to go but I can't really leave. Barbatos will catch us."
I looked at him before a crooked smirk appeared on my face.
"Well we could go out the way I came in." I said climbing into the window to sit down for a second.

I sit down on his chair in front of his desk and closed my eyes with my hands behind my head and feet crossed on the desk.

"Isn't that dangerous?" He said, taking my feet off the desk. I open one of my eyes with a lazy smile on my face looking back at him.

"Not if you know how. I could go down first and then you can start after me that way if you fall I can break it." I said back and put my feet back where they were.

He moves them back down again before chuckling. Then all of a sudden I hear a knock at the door.

"M'lord? Your tea is ready." A smooth ass voice said. I ran to hide under his desk and he ran to sit back down.

As I'm curled under the desk with Dia's knees in front of me I hear the door open. 'Don't think, don't say, don't look.' I shut my eyes as I felt embarrassed.
"Ah, thank you Barbatos." Diavolo says. "No problem M'lord. But were you talking to someone? I thought I heard another voice in here."

"Oh, I was on the phone before you came in." It was silent for a moment before I hear Barbatos's voice again. "Well, enjoy your tea then, M'lord." The door opened and closed.

After a few minutes of waiting, Dia moved his chair so I could get up outta the desk. "That was close." I say while sighing and wiping my forehead. Dia nods and makes a sound of agreement.

"So.... you still wanna sneak out?" He lightly chuckles before agreeing. To be honest I'm kinda surprised he did. But the way his eyes lit up at the thought of doing something fun absolutely warmed my stone cold and probably not beating heart.
He gets up and goes to a closet labeled "supplies" and pulls out a rope. '..I'm not gonna question it..'

"I'll go first ok?" I nod and help him make sure the rope is tied and secured.

He makes it all the way down before motioning for me to come. I nod and get halfway out the window before the door slammed open revealing a wild Barbatos. I take out my gun and aim it at him. Not the tranquilizer one... the nerf one...

"IT'S NERF OR NOTHING" I yell and start shooting him. He dodges them. ALL OF THEM. With a S.M.I.L.E. I let out a battle scream, continuing to shoot, leaning out of the window as he moved closer before falling.. Again...

"oH shIt-"

[Edited Dec.7th 2:36 p.m.]

𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖄𝖊𝖙 [𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙀𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜] Where stories live. Discover now