𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓼😔 13 [Edited]

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The police were called. Who knew it was illegal to whip out a gun in the Devildom? And who knew the Devildom had police?!

"You are under arrest. You will face time in jail and will have to pay off a few fines. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

Mammon looked around, not knowing what to do. If Lucifer found out, they'd be fucked. So.. he slapped a police officer with a STACK OF CASH. "BRO WHAT DA FUQ?!"

"I DON'T KNOW! I PANICKED!" He yelled back, throwing anything he could find at the police.

In the end.. he got tazed in the balls and I got shot with a tranquilizer. WHERE DID THEY EVEN GET A TRANQUILIZER?!

Now we are stuck in different cells. All of our belongings were now in contraband.
The fuckers took everything else. Buuut... of course we snuck in our phones. Don't- don't ask how.

On Twid.d.der I mentioned Mammon. When I told him a new nickname, he changed all his regular names instantly.

 When I told him a new nickname, he changed all his regular names instantly

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(For ppl who're offline reading)

So who should we call @Mammoney?

Replying to @PinkSheep:
I'd call Lucifer, but I feel safer in jail

Replying to @Mammoney:
You what?

Me and Mammon paled. Of course we both only had half a brain cell so now we fucked up.

All of a sudden, we heard the smooth and oddly calm voice of Lucifer. At that moment I knew... I fucked up.

He came in with my bookbag. The guard unlocked our cells and let us out.
As we are walking out, Lucifer spoke up. "So... Going to a casino,whipping put a gun, threatening a demon, and assaulting police officers all in one night. How?"

I opened my mouth to speak but he raised his hand and shook his head. "Don't." Was the only thing he said.

Damn... He was really disappointed..

From then on we walked in silence.

As we arrived at the gate of HoL, he picked both of us by the back of our shirts, and hung Mammon and I on the ceiling upside down. "So uh.. you from Jersey?"
After a few hours we just started talking to each other. "So yesterday I heard these guys talkin' about you." I mentioned. "Eh? What were they sayin'?" I squirm a bit. I wanted to swing around. "I dunno. They were talking about how you were the dumbest of the brothers. I of course didn't believe that so I taught them a light lesson." He still looked offended. "Them low demons can think what they want! As long as my human knows the truth!" He smiled. His face showing joy. I couldn't help but smile too. "Ahhh ok. I'm done having my fun. You ready to get down?"

"Huh?" I was already curling up my body so my hands, that were tied behind my back, reached my shoes. With a bit of struggle, I was able to get out my trusty pocket knife. "You had that the whole time?!" Mammon raised his voice. "Shhh! You don't want Luci to come out here, do you?" He shut up. I cut the rope off my hands before cutting the rope where it hung.

I fell down with a thud. "Ya alright down there?" Mammon asked. "Yeah." I reassured him as i push the rope off of me. I climb onto the railing and cut the rope off of Mammon. He fell down onto me. "Ouch." I chuckle. I cut the rest of the rope off him so he could move. "Thanks." He quietly spoke. "No prob!"
"Imma head to bed. Being this great is amazing after all." Mammon smirked. I nodded. "You said it. See you in the morning." He waved. "See ya."

I sighed with exhaustion but I had to do something to prevent lucifer for hanging us up longer for escaping. I decided to walk to the kitchen. I cleaned and tidied up everything, from the kitchen too the living room. After that, I passed out on the couch.

When I awoke, I was in my own bed. I saw on the side of my bed was my book bag.
I got ready slowly and sluggishly, wondering why nobody has got me for breakfast like usual. As I was about to leave I remembered my phone. I hurried up and grabbed it.

As I shut the door and turned on my phone, I almost cried.
I slept for less than two hours. It was 3:45 A.M

It's official... I hate life.

I decided I'd pay a visit to Belphie. Hopefully Lucifer won't be around. It IS late.

I'll also bring some snacks for him too. He looks like he's always on his man period anyway.

I walked down the hall and saw the stairs. I smiled, kneeled down, and bolted.
'She a runner, she a track star'
I internally laughed at my thoughts.

I (thankfully) was able to make it to the attic. I saw Belphie sleeping like usual.

"Yo Belph!" I semi-yelled. He surprisingly woke up to that. I honestly thought he was a heavy sleeper.
"Huh? Oh it's you."

"Damn could at least be happy to see me ;^;"

"How did you-"

"Doesn't matter! Wanna know why? CUZ I BROUGHT SNACKS!!!" I said. I also brought some blankets due to the fact its fucking FREEZING in the attic.

I took out my beautiful EARTHLY phone and set it up. "What're you doing?" I laughed.

"What's it look like? It's movie night! I don't sleep much anyways so we are just gonna watch a movie and eat snacks."

Surprisingly, he agreed. And that's how we spent around an hour and a half watching one movie.

Belphie has an aura that makes you just exhausted. And I now am more motivated to get him outta that crusty attic. He slowly dozed off into a deep sleep. With a smile, I placed a blanket on him. (As best as I could with the bars -^-)


My phone alarm went off.

I hurriedly turned it off. The trauma from that thing is horrendous. It was 5 in the morning. I fell asleep on this cold floor like a dumbass. I realized where I was and BOY WAS I SCARED. I hope Lucifer isn't up yet...

Who am I kidding? He totally is.

I hurried up and cleaned all the trash from the snacks and grabbed my stuff and went down the stairs.

Lucifer was in fact, not awake. I guess him trying to get me and Mammon outta jail really fucked with his sleep schedule.

Not even joking, I felt a little bad. I guess I can make his coffee..? He doesn't seem like the one to have sugar or milk in his coffee but I could be wrong.

Beel was up, searching the fridge with frustration. "Mornin' Beel. What's up?" He frowned. "Nobody went shopping yet.. so there's no food in the fridge." I got out a key from my pocket. I go over to a drawer and unlocked it. The drawer held snacks. Lucifer gave me it because of Beel. I really only kept it for his emergency food.
"Eat these. I'll be back." He smiled. "Thanks (y/n).." I gave him a reassuring smile before running up the stairs.

I opened Mammons room door and stepped over his trash and stuff. I tried shaking him awake, even pushing him off the bed. But he wouldn't budge. I ran back downstairs into the kitchen and Beel was passed out. It looked like he didn't even get to eat anything. 'Now that's weird...'

Just on cue, my D.D.D rang. It was Soloser.
Ah Shit.. that can't be good

[Edited Dec.24th 6:58 p.m.

𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖄𝖊𝖙 [𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙀𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜] Where stories live. Discover now