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the next day after choi san had finally survived from his horrendous hangover, he was sitting in the way too familiar cafeteria once again with his friends after being absent for the whole previous day.

the three other males were debating about something completely unnecessasry as usual, but san was just calmly observing the surroundings while sipping his smoothie.

he then noticed his best friend arriving to the cafeteria as well, not alone though, but with his boyfriend. before actually entering, they chatted something, held hands, kissed etc. the sight was so un-normal to san. although the couple had been together for like two months already, he still didn't see any attraction between them.

he was interrupted from his thoughts when he accidentally locked eyes with jung wooyoung. while he was hugging his boyfriend. san looked at him with slightly raised eyebrows and a tiny, almost unnoticeable smile which was actually more like a smirk. wooyoung on the other hand had an unreadable expression on his face, yet he only broke the eye contact for a second to say byes to jaesung and instantly looked back at san.

although it would've definitely seemed like something more to anyone witnessing it, it still was just a harmless little eye contact between the two males, who hardly knew anything of each other. which actually reminded san of his goal for that day. get to know jung wooyoung.

*previous day*
jae & san

hey san, you feelin' better?

i guess i could say that, at least i'm not hugging the toilet anymore.

oh no 😭 how much did you drink??

i swear i was okay before the girls made me take all those shots!

haha! they were pretty though, you should've taken one home with you. a good hook up never hurt anyone.

hold your damn horses jae, you're the one in a relationship. also, no thanks

i'm just kidding.

speaking of my relationship, aren't you classmates with wooyoung?

yeah, i have like more classes with him than his friends do, why?

i was just thinking you two should get to know each other more.

yeah well, i'm pretty damn sure that boy despises me, i don't want to make someone be friends with me, you know.

he doesn't despise you san, he doesn't even know you. also why would he be with me if he thought my friends were douchebags?

c'monn i'm not saying you should be besties or anything but san please, could you try?

fine, i guess you're right..


jaesung sat at the table, greeting everyone lazily and immediately starting to complain about something. it was a trait of him san wished the male didn't own. jaesung always complained about stupid things, he never seemed to be grateful or satisfied to anything. as his bestfriend, san thought it was tiring as hell to listen to him sometimes.

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