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the music was loud, it was so loud it felt like it was running through their veins. the four males had taken over the dancefloor, moving their bodies to the beat. they were shouting the song lyrics with other people from their hearts, jumping and dancing so much their feet would definitely be sore next morning.

wooyoung, being the drunkest of them all, jumped on the bar counter, not actually caring if it was forbidden to do that or not. he got many people's attention on him at that and he pulled the black haired male up as well to dance and sing together. people sitting at the tables cheered for them and even soyeon herself hyped them up from other side of the bar, their partying being extremely entertaining for her. she loved her job.

the atmosphere had never been like that. the boys on the counter having a huge effect on other people, even the staff, raising everyone's mood with their hype. san grabbed one of the whiskey bottles soyeon had on the counter and poured some of it in her mouth over the bar. were the employees allowed to drink during work? not exactly but the mr. owner himself didn't mind, if it stayed moderate.

"go woosan!" mingi shouted from the middle of the partying people, when wooyoung and san were living their best lives slaying on the bar.

soyeon had to have a little talk with the security for wooyoung and san but she managed to get them off the hook, convincing them that it was okay, she knew them and it won't become a habit. there was a pole for a reason if you wanted to get wild.

"i need fresh air!" hongjoong shouted through the music.

"are you sure you can go by yourself? should i come with you?" mingi asked, clear concern in his tone even though the man sure was drunk.

"no you'll stay here and take care if those two, i'll be fine i won't be long!" hongjoong assured pointing at san and wooyoung who were throwing their asses with their drinks up in the air.

hongjoong then smiled lovingly at mingi before leaving the dancefloor. he walked past many wasted people in the hall before reaching the front door. he tried to walk as straight as he could so he wouldn't seem to be as drunk as he actually was. once the male got outside the sweaty club, he breathed the fresh air in and walked to the corner of the building, the sight in his eyes spinning.

"jesus, pull yourself together." he spoke to himself and slapped his own cheek lightly.

that's when he heard arguing around the corner. he probably would have walked straight back inside since he wasn't really planning on getting in the middle of a fight, but only if he hadn't recognized the other voice. there was no way in hell he would've walked away now.

"i'll ask you again, why the fuck were you hitting on my girl?"

"what part didn't you understand? i already told you i wasn't hitting on her, she asked me to hold her damn drink!"

"i know you're lying. you wannabe pretty-ass boys always think you can take whoever you want, but you shouldn't have messed with what's mine."

"you're fucking pathetic, you know that?"

then hongjoong heard a punch and that was enough for him. he knew there was possibly a man much bigger than him against him, so he was taking a huge risk interwining to that. but was he just gonna listen to the other one getting beaten up? hell no.

"hey!" hongjoong got both of the males attention to him and no longer than a second later, he was throwing his fist straight at the unknown man's face and then a hard kick from his knee followed right after, on the mans precious dingledongs. the male groaned in pain and fell to the ground holding his dear binglebongs, feeling the pain from the kick.

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