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"morning." choi san greeted without any expression while he walked to his seat behind no other than jung wooyoung.

"morning?" the boy greeted back, already a bit confused of the calm behavior the was witnessing from the black haired male.

after that wooyoung didn't hear any word from him, and that got him even more confused since he was already used to getting teased by san the whole hour during every lesson. he tried to let him be, succeeding for 15 minutes but then turning around, being way too curious of why he was being so silent.

"so, what's wrong?" wooyoung opened his mouth, arms resting on the other male's desk.

san raised his eyes to look at wooyoung, furrowing his eyebrows. "what? nothing's wrong."

"don't lie to me, please."

"oh i should definitely make you beg more often." san's face was soon wearing his usual smirk.

there he is. "u serious? i was trying to have a serious conversation with you for once." wooyoung tried to sound disappointed but failed to do so as a small smile appeared on his face.

"you should know by now i'll always find a way to tease you in every conversation we have." the male smiled smugly.

"i know, and that's exactly why i'm not even surprised anymore."

"you didn't seem so surprised the first time either."

"back to the main point."

"whyy?" san whined a little, enjoying the teasing toned talk much more than a serious conversation.

"because you said nothing's wrong but that was a lie and it's bothering me!" wooyoung grabbed san's chin to make him keep eye contact.

"why do you think i was lying? i'm actually very skilled at that, just so you know." san spoke confidently and wasn't bothered at all by the hand holding his chin.

"i can see it in your eyes, san." wooyoung said in a sweet, quiet tone and removed his hand.

san went silent for a moment. "you're just a softie."

"so are you. you just don't show it." he still kept speaking in that same soft tone.

san was silent again. he turned his gaze elsewhere and gulped, looking around the room kind of nervously. if it was anyone else he didn't properly know yet, he would've thrown hands already for invading his personal business. but there was something about wooyoung's eyes that made him not-so-pissed. the younger's presence somehow calmed him but at the same time wooyoung reading san like an open book made him nervous.

but to wooyoung, choi san was an open book with invisible ink and he was eager to change it visible, only for him. he could see things about the male but he wasn't able to read him, no matter how he tried.

"i'm not trying to be nosy here, san. or make you feel preassured. i'm sorry if it came out that way, i just thought-"

san smiled at wooyoung assuringly. "i just had a bad morning wooyoung, don't worry."

"okay, if you say so." wooyoung shrugged his shoulders and was just about to turn away from the other boy, but he didn't. "but san, i actually want to get to know you. i wanna know what goes through your mind, i wanna know when something's wrong, and i want to learn you."

san was surprised. he didn't think wooyoung would actually want to get to know him that eagerly. he didn't think he'd care. but as he thought about it, he did want to get to know the younger as well. he was interesting. every small detail about the way he acted was something san wanted to understand.

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