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a/n: this chapter will be mostly dialogue, just a little bit actual story-telling included.
this is more like a shorter filler chapter, so it's not that significant for the story.


"so you actually took my offer? i'm glad."
san spoke to my ear through the phone once i had pressed the call button under his name.

"is it a bad time?"

"no it's a great time actually. everything okay?"

"yeah, i was just bored." that wasn't a lie, i had been blasting music, danced, eaten and now layed on my bed in extremely peculiar positions for the past two hours not knowing what to do, so i decided to do what came up to my mind.

"well i'm flattered to be the first one you wanted to call."

"shut up, how can you be so sure you were the first one?"

"i just know it."

"i could've called my boyfriend tho."

"but you didn't."

"you're right, i didn't. because you said i could talk to you whenever i feel the need to."

"yeah i did, and i meant it."

"i know. so talk to me about something cool."

"something cool? me."

"meh, something else."

"why not me? i'm actually a very interesting person!"

"okayy, prove it."

"ask me."

"ask you what?"


me and san started throwing random questions to each other, some were more personal and some were complitely useless like 'what's the color of your shower curtain'. the two of us talked way longer than i expected and i'd be lying if i said i wasn't enjoying the time talking with him about everything between the moon and earth. i felt joy. who would've thought san could make me smile like this by just a phone call. two-hour phone call actually.

"wait so you're telling me you went to school in a giant bee costume when you were 13 because you lost a bet?"

"yup, and wore it extremely proudly."

"i'm impressed. you really just have been slaying since birth, haven't you?"

"exactly, i'm awesome. okay next question, what's your bodycount?"

"do you really wanna know?

"yeah, it doesn't actually matter how many holes you've poked with your wiener it just came up on my mind."

"why did you have to say it like that-" i heard him laugh by himself and that made my mouth instantly turn into a smile.

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