Chapter 01

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"No, no, no. This is a definete no Arnav. How could you? How could you make her leave?"

"Oh come on Di, she is faking it. You saw how she didn't come out during the whole funeral. It has been almost a day for me and I haven't seen her yet. She must be dancing inside her room"

"Shut up Arnav. If you don't know about something, do not comment on it. She is on fluids. She is on bed rest"

"Really Di? That's your excuse?"

"She fainted as soon she saw Advay's body. It took her almost a day to gain consciousness. She was starving herself for days and we didn't know about it"

"And how can she? When your husband is away with his girlfriend celebrating their anniversary, how can Khushi happily enjoy the food here? It was our fault that we didn't check on her"

"Yes Aranv, Akash is right. Khushi was already weak when we went to the hospital and she couldn't handle it. That's why we decided she should be inside her room. She was not in a state to handle this pressure"

"She was his wife for god's sake Di and Bhai. One should expect the wife to attend her husband's funeral. Believe me, she is faking and she should be out of the house immediately"

"Anjali, Akash, listen to Arnav. They are correct, Khushi shouldn't be here anymore. She was here because of Advay and now he is gone, we have no relation to her"

"How dare you, Shyam, you know her situation better than anyone, and still? Ok, let's assume we kick her out, where would she go? Her father is not ready to accept her back"

"That's what I am trying to say Di, that's not our problem"

"Listen you two, if Khushi leaves, I leave too. No arguments here. Wherever she goes, I go. Understood?"

Arnav knew how stubborn his sister is. If she decided then no one can stop her. Arnav pulled Shyam away from Anjali and Akash.

"Jiju, I think this is not the time. We should let it cool down a bit. Who knows may be after a few days she herself would ask us if she can leave. Let's not be the villains here and wait"

"But Arnav, she is jinxed"

"I know Jiju, but you know how Di is. Let's wait for the right time. I will talk to this so-called Khushi and make her realize how jinxed she is to our family. Any person with self-respect will not live here after that"

"If you say so, Arnav"

Arnav walked towards Anjali and Akash. 

"Ok, Di, bhai I will give it a go. But the minute I feel like she is wrong I am kicking her out"

"Arnav, how come you have such animosity towards someone you haven't met or talked to? Khushi is an innocent girl. Her life became hell when she got married to Advay. He never treated her well"

"Bhai, if Advay bhai never treated her well, why on the earth she stayed with him for 7 months? She could have voiced out and left"

"Arnav, she is just over 20 years when she got married. She was bought up in such a strict environment that she feels afraid to breathe extra. So how can she? We tried hard to explain to dad the age difference between Advay and Khushi"

"But Di, she could have said no to this wedding if that was a problem"

"As I said, she was not bought up to voice her thoughts. She was not given an option. Dad sent the proposal a day before she turned 20, they accepted and within 3 months they got married. Neither of them saw each other before the wedding preparation"

"You have no idea how hard we tried to stop this wedding. We were ok for Advay to marry Sam. But dad wanted to venture out to Mumbai. So Khushi became a scapegoat" 

"I even suggested if it matters to dad, instead of Advay, we should get her married to you. At least you guys have only few year age gap"

"What? Me to get married to that jinxed female? Are you crazy Di? I am glad dad didn't go ahead with that. Otherwise, I would have killed myself"

"Jinxed? What do you mean Aranv?"

"Akash Bhai, Dad, and Advay both gone within 7 months of her being here"

"Dad died because he drank whiskey instead of water and his heart couldn't handle it anymore. Advay died because he was drunk driving with his girlfriend. Khushi has nothing to do with it"

"Arnav please, meet her just once and you'll realize. She is only 20 years and she became a widow. Other girls at her age are going to college and going out on dates with their boyfriends but this girl, all her innocence and life was taken out from her. Please, Arnav. Do not accuse her of that name"

Aranv didn't want to be around Anjali and Akash anymore. He knew what they were trying to do. They were trying to melt him but he is not going to fall for it. 

"Anyway, I am tired so I am going to sleep. Good Night all"

Saying that he left the living room. Arnav's room is one of the two bedrooms facing the poolside. Advay and Arnav always shared a close bond while Anjali and Akash shared a close bond. 

Anjali and Akash had their mother's qualities. Empathetic, emotional, and forgiving while Advay and Aranv shared their father's negative qualities. Anjali always believe Advay was a lost cause but for Arnav, she still had hopes. 

Arnav changed into his night clothes, took his coffee mug, and sat on the chair by the pool. He turned his head around towards the other bedroom window which belonged to Advay and murmured,

"Bhai, Advay, I miss you. You were the only one other than papa who understood me. You both have left too early"

However, his attention was diverted when he saw a light turning in the room and a shadow walking towards the window. 

And then, Arnav saw the most mesmerizing scene he has seen in his life. The window opened and there stood a young girl. She was wearing a white Kurta. Her eyes were closed, and her palms were closed together gesturing she was praying. 

The loose hair, milky skin, and what caught his attention most was the shining little nose pin which complimented her small nose. 

At first, Arnav thought he is dreaming. How can one be so beautiful and look so innocent at the same time? Who is this girl?

"Can this be her?"

Murmured Arnav to himself. 

"No, this girl looks like she just passed out from school. How can a young girl like this be Advay's wife"

"But this is his room, that does not make sense if anyone else is using this room"

Arnav was in a dilemma trying to figure out who is this girl. But whoever this is, she stirred something inside him. 

Arnav turned his gaze towards her once again. Her head was upward indicating she is praying to the sky. He then saw the IV fluid needle stuck onto her wrist. That was the proof he needed to conclude who this creature is. 


Unaware to Arnav, this time his thoughts were a little louder, louder enough to make the female standing opposite him to hear. 

She suddenly opened her eyes and looked straight into his. For a second Arnav thought his heart stopped. She had the most mesmerizing eyes ever. It's like she caught him in a trance. 

But much to his disappointment she quickly steadied herself, broke the eye contact, closed the window, and disappeared into the room.

Arnav also closed his sliding door and jumped onto his bed. But sleep was the last thing on his mind because a certain white beauty has captured his mind. 


The very first chapter everyone :)

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