Chapter 17

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Khushi was walking back and forth inside her room and checking on Arnav's room every few seconds.

"What is he doing out there? It's almost 10 at night and he is still not home"

"He did tell he has some work in the office so he must be busy"

"But it's my birthday, I would like to see him at least"

"He was with you the whole day, don't you remember?"

"But that was in the hospital"

"Does it matter? Anyway, why do you want him? It's not like he knows it's your birthday and you will definitely not going to tell him so what are you planning on doing?"

"I don't know. It's just I don't like him being friendly with Lavanya"

"What does she has to do with any of this?"

"He asked her to call Arnav"

"That's because Arnav is his name"

"But she was happy calling him Mr. Arnav, why do they need to go in first name basis"

"That's their choice, you don't own him do you?"

"No, but"

"Then, relax. Let him live his life and you live yours. Just because he is being nice to you doesn't mean you own him. He has his own life"

"But I am in that life too"

"Yes, you are. But don't forget you are just a friend in his life. What happens when he finds a girlfriend? When he gets married?"

"Will he?"

"Of course he will. Why do you want him to be alone for the rest of life?"

"No.. not like that"


"I don't know. You are confusing me"

Khushi finished the debate she was having with her inner self. She didn't want to continue this as she was afraid of the answers she will have for these questions. She took her phone out and thought calling Arnav. But then again, decided against it.

Then again she took the phone and thought texting him, but decided against it. Khushi waited for a few more seconds and thought she will call him but before she could dial his number, she saw his room light turned on indicating he is home.

"Should I go there and talk to him?"

"No, let him rest a bit. He just got home so he must be tired"

However, she didn't have to wait any longer, she saw him stepping out of his room. He looked tired. His coat was no where to be seen, his shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbow, the top couple of buttons on his shirt was open and his tie loosely hanged around his neck.

Khushi quickly walked to the kitchen, prepared a nice cup of coffee and took it to Arnav.

Arnav sat there with his eyes closed. Since most of his day he was at the hospital, he had to work till late to finish the pending work. His body was extremely tired but he wanted to wish Khushi before it's midnight so he worked extra fast to finish his work before midnight.

Khushi slowly walked toward him with the cup of coffee and Arnav who was resting could smell the coffee. He didn't have to open his eyes to know who is bringing him this coffee. So he opened his mouth without opening his eyes.

"Thank you Khushi. You don't have any idea how I craved for a coffee"

"You look tired"

"It was a busy day. How are you?"

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