Chapter 07

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"Arnav, why do I feel like you are forgetting what we were planning on doing?"

"Jiju, what are you talking about?"

"Remember, Khushi? It's been over a month since she started college. I don't think she has made a single guy friend yet along falling in love"

"Why do you care if she falls in love or not? She is there to study, isn't she? So shouldn't we be happy that she is doing what she is supposed to do?"

"Are you serious now Arnav? We were the one who was hell-bent on getting her out of this house"

"Jiju look, I agree I wanted her out first. In fact, I still want her out. But we can't just kick her out. In the beginning, I thought she was the reason for everything. But now I am figuring it out. Advay bhai never treated her well. So we can't blame her entirely"

"What? Are you taking her side now?"

"I am not taking sides. She has to go. But for that, we need to make sure she has a path. Once she finished her studies, she can get a good job that will help her to fend her herself. Also, I am sure the lawyer will be here soon to discuss Advay's will. As she was his legal wife, she must be entitled to something"

"So you are just going to give her that?"

"Jiju, I don't understand why are you bothered about her and what she is getting"

"Arnav, this is your father's fortune. So how can you allow someone outside into it"

By this time, Arnav was furious. He began to understand Shyam was not exactly what he thought he was. This guy has an agenda.

"My point Jiju, this is our father's fortune and only I, Akash bhai, and Di have the right over it. So whatever decision I make will be a combined decision. You don't have to worry about it"

Saying that Arnav left the room. But he took a mental note to keep an eye on Shyam. Arnav prepared himself a cup of coffee and walked towards his room. He thought of talking to Akash and Anjali about Advay's will tomorrow morning.

Aranv as usual took his coffee cup and opened the sliding door towards the poolside only to see Khushi there. Khushi was on the phone while writing someone on a book. It only took him seconds to see the smile on her lips. This is the first time he saw her smile. She has a beautiful smile, he must admit.

Arnav stood close to her so that he can hear her over the phone yet far enough for her to not notice him. He knew eavesdropping on her call is wrong but he couldn't beat the urge he got after seeing her smile.

"I know, that was hard. I thought I was done but he actually turned the whole thing around after that"


"No, no, I am seeing him after class tomorrow. He asked me to come after class not before"


This statement from Khushi caught Arnav off guard. Who is this 'he' she is talking about? Why is she meeting this guy? What is going on?

A sudden pain crossed his heart. A feeling that he is about to lose something started going around his mind.

However, his thoughts came back to reality when he heard the name, Lavanya. 

"Please Lavanya, I told you. I am not going to talk about that topic"


"Ok, bye. See you tomorrow"

Khushi disconnected the call and turned around to see Arnav standing close to her.

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